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  1. #1
    Community Member Espoire's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Default What's the difference between Suggestion and Charm Monster?

    Differences I see:

    Level 3 spell versus level 4 spell.
    Suggestion costs less SP (by virtue of the previous line).
    Suggestion has a spell component cost (oh noes, because those are expensive >.>).
    Suggestion does NOT have a somatic cost. (Does this matter in DDO? Can I cast it while held, etc?)
    Charm Monster allows periodic additional saves, Suggestion does NOT.
    Suggestion has a 1 second lower base cooldown than Charm Monster.

    Am I missing something? Is a level 3 spell just outright better in every way (except for base save DC) to a level 4 spell?

  2. #2
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espoire View Post
    Differences I see:

    Level 3 spell versus level 4 spell.
    Suggestion costs less SP (by virtue of the previous line).
    Suggestion has a spell component cost (oh noes, because those are expensive >.>).
    Suggestion does NOT have a somatic cost. (Does this matter in DDO? Can I cast it while held, etc?)
    Charm Monster allows periodic additional saves, Suggestion does NOT.
    Suggestion has a 1 second lower base cooldown than Charm Monster.

    Am I missing something? Is a level 3 spell just outright better in every way (except for base save DC) to a level 4 spell?
    You can't cast it while held, but you CAN cast it in armor or while holding a shield without worrying about ASF.

    I believe that Suggestion has a max (and fairly short, especially at low levels) length, while Charm Monster can be, effectively, unlimited.
    "Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."
    Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh

  3. #3

    Default What's the difference between Suggestion and Charm Monster?

    Well, the former only hints at a good time while the latter almost guarantees it.

  4. #4
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    suggestion only works on things that can understand a language. it's more like a deluxe charm person, expanded to work on intelligent creatures like giants (eg ogres, trolls) or monstrous humanoids (eg sahuagin)... but not animals such as dogs or cats, for example (note: some creatures, like worgs, only *look* like animals).

  5. #5
    Community Member Espoire's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    suggestion only works on things that can understand a language. it's more like a deluxe charm person, expanded to work on intelligent creatures like giants (eg ogres, trolls) or monstrous humanoids (eg sahuagin)... but not animals such as dogs or cats, for example (note: some creatures, like worgs, only *look* like animals).
    Thanks, this is exactly what I was interested in. I'm going to add that to the wiki, since the page on both is lacking that distinction.

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