Hey everyone. I didnt get a chance to play on Lamannia tihs time around, so I was hoping that some of the sorc's who have played and tested the different Savants would explain what their preferred element to spec in is, and why.
thanks, Matty
Hey everyone. I didnt get a chance to play on Lamannia tihs time around, so I was hoping that some of the sorc's who have played and tested the different Savants would explain what their preferred element to spec in is, and why.
thanks, Matty
The acid spells got a good nerfing but I still like Earth Savant. Easy Earthgrab, strong stoneskin and flesh to stone. Really good damage/spell point for Melf's Acid Arrow. +10 hp.
What I don't like about earth savant is the large rock stuck to my hand.
I'm gonna build one earth and turn my tukaw build into an air savant. Hoping electric loop sla stuns them long enough to pick em off. I think for that one I will keep with the normal 16/2/2 even though there was talking of turning it into 12/6/2.
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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Why would you go with air savant which is the most save dependent dps savant with only one dot spell on a heavy splashed melee sorc? Earth would much better fill this role due to many dot type spells you can have ticking while also attacking and it has the most non save dependent spells.
cheers guys, guess i'll try earth and air and see what i prefer
Water Savant has the highest damaging single-target spells, and can use some decent AoE as well. I thought Earth was way too centered around AoE spells, but maybe I just wasn't used to them. I also like the shimmery, water vapor effect on the hands.
To improve your lit II's would be the worst reason to go air on a melee sorc.
It just doesn't any comparable damage versus what a single melf's sla would do over that time. Add on a regular melfs and burning blood and a little acid fog damage coupled with it's -2 ac and your much better off.
The fire and forget nature of many acid spells means you can be doing a lot of spell damage while swinging giving a much greater increase to your dps.
Here are my thoughts on the four:
Fire: may be best for levelling, free Burning Hands at level 6 is huge, and it boosts some solid spells. A weak choice for the end game, most because so much is fire immune, partially because Heat Death is flashy and weak, and partially because you don't have good single target options. Loses out on Polar Ray and Niac's Biting Cold, but you can take advantage of acid or electric dot(s).
Earth: much nicer than expected, because of the improvements to various acid spells. Acid Rain got fixed to hit 4 times, which helps make up for the lower damage they gave it. It's one of several great no-save dots. A good selection of SLAs for levelling, the great Earthgrab ability, and stronger Flesh to Stone and Stoneskin round out a very reasonable choice in specialization. Loses out on basically nothing, because air spells are pretty weak.
Water: The weakest SLAs, by far, but this is balanced by an amazing spell selection. Whatever kind of damage spell you need, water has it. Single target no save? Polar Ray and Niac's Biting Cold are two of the best spells for boss fights and taking down tough enemies. AoEs? Ice Storm provides an AoE dot, Otiluke's/Cone of Cold gives good burst aoe damage. The Icegrab ability is nice, but the long cooldown hampers it somewhat. Probably the best choice if you have the gear to support great spell damage, because you will be relying on your actual spells. Loses out on Wall of Fire, but that's been nerfed enough so that you can perform reasonably well with the alternatives.
Air: The best utility effects (knockdown immunity and wings), and a damage type that shines in a fair bit of endgame content. The electric loop SLA provides a bit of crowd control, but both your SLA selection and your spell selection is somewhat limited use, especially since this is the only element without an AoE damage over time effect (which tends to be hugely more mana efficient than any other kind of damage spell). On the upside, you do get Eladar's Electric Surge, which is your best/only spell against many endgame raid bosses (who get Evasion on Hard and Elite difficulties). A reasonable choice for its ancillary benefits, but make sure you have a plan to cover the weaknesses you're taking on. Loses out on Flesh to Stone in any content where enemies have SR (which is huge), Stoneskin (you might as well Wand it), and can't take the acid DoTs, which would otherwise compliment your spell selection nicely.
There are pluses and minuses to all of them. Water is the weakest while levelling, and possibly the strongest at endgame, while the reverse is true for Fire. Electric and Acid both offer some utility to make up for their more limited spell selections.
I have been leveling up a sorc specifically to make him an Earth Savant (he is 19 currently) for the ability to Earthgrab mobs, and slowly tick down a bosses hp. This coupled with a few enchantment items I am after should make him pretty useful in CC spots when needed, and some nice damage when its needed.
The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish]
Community Member
I'm going air myself probably. Getting caster level decrease in earth isn't that big of a deal(not slotting FtS anyhow unless I go earth). Wind dance, knockdown immunity and having FF without using an item slot(or augment) for it is sweet. Water and fire are too limiting imo.
I'll decide once I see final release notes. Answer to question in OP: the one that suits your style.
Last edited by shagath; 04-27-2011 at 06:44 AM.
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::
That's because it is not a stun but rather a daze effect. Think of it as a short duration Hypno, it really is an amazing spell. Air probably has the best SLAs and abilities of the bunch, it's too bad that there aren't any no save direct damage lightning spells...
I'm still torn between Water and Air. Every time I settle on one in my mind, I start to think of the benefits of the other more.... GAH!
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::