Originally Posted by
Is he even playing the same game as me?
Wall of Fire - Initial reflex save only on entry. Shield blocking inside Wall of Fire means no saves after the first - Everything will take damage except for the first tick
30 second timer one tick every what 3 seconds so 10 ticks missing the first tick and immune or resistant mobs from lvl 16 up ...
Acid Rain - Same as above same as above low dps and no where near OP
Ice Storm - No saves, partial bludgeoning damage I am all for some scrolls being restricted if there is good reason ... But this spell is so weak in damage that it doesnt even matter and low duration.
Enervate - As explained already, no save. (magically add a will save for no reason other than to balance a crappy scroll? I think not. Casters would quit the game if a ridiculous idea like this were even contemplated.)
Its just as easy to keep that from coming back
Symbol of Death - Kite till they fail for happy time aoe level drain. (No save? I cant test the new changes for this one on Lama)
Again that is a perfect example of a spell that would be OP and thus could be refused.
Evasion mobs - Very rare, small portion of content
Did you even play on lama? All devils have evasion on lama .. all trogs .. all cats .. that is what 80% of all the content above lvl 16?
As for usefulness of these abilities in scroll form vs casted with metamagics and enhancements - irrelevant. Either they are almost the same as if cast by a level 20 Arcane, or they are pathetic in form of DPS. Either way it is 100% not worth including in an update even if it only took 5 seconds to code. And that, I think, is the most important point.