Yeah, I am tr'ing once again.
This time I am planning to play cleric and I am going to stay at 20 little longer. So the build must be epic proof. However, the journey from 1-20 can be made little quicker if I have some rogue levels. I would also like to use my Carnifex from 1-12 and GS rapier later but that is not necessary if STR must be dumped.
I toyed somewhat with character planner. I noticed it is quite difficult to achieve 26+ reflex without monk levels. Unfortunately, I don't own monk class. Therefore, evasion doesn't seem useful and I was thinking about 1rog/19clr. However, now I am thinking should I add 1 fighter level so I could use Carnifex more efficiently. Maybe the build will be 1fight/1rog/18clr ??
I am also confused how should I share my stat points. I will dump CHA, that for sure. CON & INT must be 14+ and without STR I cannot deal damage at lower levels. On the other hand, I can achieve level 10 under a week...
And then there is WIS. Could/Should I also aim at high spell DC? I have wiz, sorc, fvs, fighter & barbarian past lives.
Really, could someone point me a build I haven't found yet? Something that even tries to use full potential I could achieve. Something that is human, does not use monk and even uses 36pt build. I am open for all kind of suggestions. The only important thing is to play cleric!
...or maybe I should create just pure cleric? However, cleric capstone doesn't seem very useful so...