Currently, I have a 330 HP 28 Point Elf. Pure Cleric, 12 base CON, Superior False Life on the event armor, CON +6 belt, planning on +3 Exceptional CON on a GS weapon (also going to be a Min II+ Holy boss beater) and would welcome a +3 CON tome; also working on T2/T3 GS Item for CON skills +5 (concentration FTW), I have my T1 on my first GS Item CON skills +1 for 10 HPs there.

HP breakdown:

20 Cleric = 160
20 Feat (Heroic Durability)
100 CON score (12 + 6 item + 2 tome)
40 Superior False Life
10 Green Steel T1
330 Total

Planning on adding in 2 Toughness feats (swapping out Greater Spell Penetration and Extend) and the pair of enhancements and adding another 2 to my CON with an LR for another 20 from CON and 22+22+20 from feats/enhancements for another 84 on the 330 currently.

More on my stats (Wisdom score so you know)

WIS of 35 (18 +5 level + 3 enhancement + 6 item + 2 tome + 1 exceptional on GS weapon) and still working on the T3 on the GS for another +2 Exceptional WIS and Min II (boss beater + exceptional WIS, loving it) and grinding for a +3 WIS tome (would be nice, but not something I'd die without)

Will have 38 WIS by the time I get a +3 WIS tome and the GS T3 done (don't suggest ToD rings; I know about them being useful but lack the pack to acquire them) and currently have 35 (T2 GS done, no +3 tome, no T3 GS)


1) Will my spell penetration be enough in Shroud/lower? I don't plan on holding/CCing much above that but would like it to work there. I don't have any of the enhancements to Spell Penetration via APs, but currently have 2 feats to it. I want to drop one and still have a decent spell pen. Is that 2 spell pen critical at my level (I have the Bracers of the Glacier for +2 spell pen on L8 and under spells) or would it be safe to drop?

2) My numbers are showing a 21 unbuffed Reflex save. 25 self-buffed, 29 with GH. Should I LR, and acquire the extra HPs, would I be "okay" with meleeing with Harry while healing? My Concentration score is 50 purely unbuffed, but I have seen up to 65 raid-buffed. If I can reliably hit 60+ self buffed/unbuffed I might drop Quicken instead of Greater Spell Penetration (or both for a third Toughness) but wasn't sure what Harry did for melee damage. I wouldn't mind healing with Quicken on in Shoud parts 4/5 but would like to not use it if possible.

3) If you had the build after U9 and the LR, would you LR again (I'm sure you'd GR for more points but that isn't an option as I don't have the 1750 favor or 32-point builds bought yet) to change things or would you stay the same?

Full Stats:

STR: 8 base + 7 item + 1 tome = 16 (18 with Rage Pot/Rage spell)
DEX: 10 base + 7 item + 1 tome = 18
CON: 12 base + 6 item + 2 tome = 20 (22 with Rage Pot/Rage spell)
INT: 12 base + 6 item* + 2 tome + 1 exceptional* = 21*
WIS: 18 base + 5 level + 6 item + 3 enhancement + 2 tome + 1 exceptional = 35 (add +2 exceptional from GS T3 and another +1 from +3 tome for 38)
CHA: 10 base + 6 item + 2 enhancement + 2 tome = 20

Unbuffed Concentration score: 50
Average Buffed Concentration score: 55-60
Max Buffed Concentration score: 65
HP: 330
SP: Between 1900 and 2000 dependent on enhancements.

New Stats:

STR: Same
DEX: Same
CON: 14 base, for 22. Also working on +3 Exceptional and +3 tome for another +4 CON.
INT: Same
WIS: Same
CHA: 8 base, for 18.

Unbuffed Concentration: 51 (53 with exceptional and +3 tome, 58 with that and GS HP item T2 and T3 (already have T1)
Average Buffed Concentration score: 60-70
Max Buffed Concentration score: 73
HP: 414 (add 35 from GS item T2+T3 for 449; include another 22 with a third toughness for max of 471)
SP: Between 1900 and 2000 dependent on enhancements.

*6 item and 1 exceptional are swappables, for trap-spotting. I can reach +40 Search/Spot buffed, and find it useful.

What do you think?