Quote Originally Posted by Kantare View Post
I don't think that the problem is necessary with finesse dex builds or strength builds, I think the problem is with the actual weapon selection. As it stands there is absolutely no reason to dual wield anything other than khopeshes, or dwarven axes (if you are a dwarf). Everything else is pathetic in comparison.

Your wrong in this basic. So the rest of your argument falls with this presumtion as it is based on this being true.

For example the good old Rapier/Scimitar is best when you have significant sneak attacks (lets define this as 7+ levels of Rogue) and thus can reap great profit with a Radiance Rapier/Scimitar from the much higher crit range.

Or the Rapier/Shortsword combo on a Drow/Elf who doesnt have bonus feats in abundance (so every non-Fighter character), who has an effective +4 to hit over the dual-Kopesh guy. +2 from racial enhancements, and +2 from being able to spend the feat on OTWF instead of EWP:Kopesh.