PM me on the forums or ingame.
Large ingredients(missing scales/shrapnels)
Bleufire Necklace
Have to offer:
Scroll of the Robe of the Diabolist
Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
Scroll of the Whirlwind
Scroll of the Golden Greaves
Scroll of the Bracers of the Hunter
Scroll of the Unkor's Cleaver
Scroll of the Mirage
Scroll of the Flint
Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Scroll of the Kundarak Warding Shield
Scroll of the Sirens Bracers
Scroll of the Mask of Tragedy x2
Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader x4
Scroll of the Grim's Bracelet
Scroll of the Shimmering Pendant
Scroll of the Big Top x3
Scroll of the Illusionist's Robe
Scroll of the Ring of Elemental Essence
Scroll of the Utility Vest x2
Scroll of Krozek's Cruelty x2
Demons blood
About 50-ish Major Mnemonic Potions