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  1. #1
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    Default Have graphics for equipment besides weapon/helmet/body

    comoon even Runescape (thats RUNESCAPE, the gateway mmo) shows necklace/boots/gloves/cape, and ddo (thats the equivalent to the hardcore high quality stuff) doesnt?

    dunno, this has always just sort of bugged me.

    I put on a necklace, and it doesnt appear, i put on boots, but i still have the red boots of the regalia on. I mean sure, it is possible that some of the equipment would conflict, but you could always hide it (we already have hide helmet/body options) D:.

    takes a tiny amount of immersion/ realism out of the game (not having it), but more importantly, i just sort of expect games of this calibre to show equipment :/.
    Last edited by stille_nacht; 04-25-2011 at 09:19 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
    takes a tiny amount of immersion/ realism out of the game, but more importantly, i just sort of expect games of this calibre to show equipment :/.
    I am not sure it is feasible: there is no such thing as boot models, yet.
    Boots are part of the body textures; and you can't pick greaves independently from gear models.

    I would like to be able to mix and match textures and models freely.
    Without resorting to store-only cosmetic kits, that is.
    Not sure it will ever happen.
    And a vocal part of users claims cosmetic options are a waste of dev time - and the way they implemented cosmetic kits went to show they did have some point.

    We'll see.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Puppetian's Avatar
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    I always liked that feature. In DDO our outfits usually look complete, not like in other mmos where, until you get your equipment set complete, you tend to look like a hobo that has raided a circus' dressing room.

    I'd honestly rather have devs spend their time on more useful features.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puppetian View Post
    you tend to look like a hobo that has raided a circus' dressing room.

    The problem with many "WYSIWYG" C-RPGs is, you tend to look plain awful, especially early on in your levelling life, wearing mismatched bits of gear.

    Yes, it could be addressed by adding appearance toggles.
    But even as a supporter of extra cosmetic options, I have trouble rationalising its usefulness.


    I would maybe add toggles for gear layers; some players mentioned they thoroughly hate the backpack model on some suits of armour.
    Personally, I like the "Drow Hunter" baldric and the "vest with grappling hook" straps.
    But I see how some people might dislike them - I still recall some user saying he had stopped "wearing a backpack when he left kindergarten".


    I guess it's the underlying issue with a game that left subscription stage still with some unpolished parts, and got shoehorned into a f2p model with paid bits.
    By comparison: LoTRO had in-built cosmetic options before going f2p, so those stayed - and you can change appearance with in-game money.
    DDO became f2p without, and those features were later added as store-only options.
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  5. #5
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    Yeah, individual gear options are probably not worth the trouble, outside of a toggleable cloak. That plus helm and armor options w/cosmetic kits would make a fair compromise in appearance customization. (steal the cloak graphics from LOTRO, just saying. Or get WB to cough up for more artists.)

  6. #6
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
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    You might've noticed that the characters in Runescape are much smaller as is the world around them.
    It would not be effective cosmetic delving to make jewelry visible, it's not going to make a huge difference about
    how you look in any way shape or form given the size of the game and the intensity it has over Runescape.

    I do however feel that because Turbine took it upon themselves to make an armor kit system instead of an armor dye system, they do not intend on making all clothing in the game visible.(Yes clothing will always be mixed and diverse, but that's kinda where dyes come in to begin with.)

    /signed make clothing visible

  7. #7
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Dev time? really? LotRO shows equipment, and it's what, 1 year newer? Basically the same engine too. Plus LotRO already has hundreds (if not thousands) of models already created for gear... Devs could just do a little creative cheating and port the models over, maybe repaint a couple things, maybe retexture a couple things... whatever.
    Plus the 'circus' comment i don't think really applies, since we already get randomly pieced together gear appearance for stuff. My guildy put on a +4 Mithral Chain Shirt and honestly it looked like something a RustMonster puked up. I for one would pay a couple extra TP to 'stitch' my gear to look more like what I imagine it to look like, and yeah, having my boots, gloves, necklaces, and robes show on my toon would be great, and not even a pure cosmetic thing either. I'd like to see my toon wearing his Green Poison Proof robe on, before i jump on that scorpion, and I'd like to see my winged booties on before I jump off the cliff. Yes, yes, I can see them all nicely equipped or not on my hotbars, but that's a poor substitute for having it show on my actual toon.
    Just saying, I agree with the OP that for a 'Top Shelf' MMO like this, it's less than satisfactory to be cutting corners on the eye-candy portion of the game.
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  8. #8
    Community Member simo0208's Avatar
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    Think of how sucky the base armor and helmets are. Do you REALLY want that for the entire equipment set? No thanks.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    And a vocal part of users claims cosmetic options are a waste of dev time - and the way they implemented cosmetic kits went to show they did have some point.
    Really? I get the distinct impression it's the other way around. I don't care for cosmetics; but I see countless threads on cosmetic armour kits, how they suck, how they want feature X/Y, the costs etc etc.

    I don't think I've seen many threads saying hat cosmetics are a waste of dev time. Which personally, I think it does, since I don't care for cosmetics.

  10. #10
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simo0208 View Post
    Think of how sucky the base armor and helmets are. Do you REALLY want that for the entire equipment set? No thanks.
    yeah, i know it might look "worse", its just that it adds immersion to the game for me to equip a, say, bracers and gloves of claw, and be wearing a pointy dangerous poisonous looking braceres/claws instead of bare hands and whatnot. I mean sure, somethings would look better if you left them out, but that does not necessarily mean it makes sense to leave them out.

    but thats more of a side thing for me, its just that i simply expect an mmo of this quality to have things like that covered :/

    also, should be tooo hard, as commentor about LOTRO pointed out

    Quote Originally Posted by Yokido View Post
    You might've noticed that the characters in Runescape are much smaller as is the world around them.
    It would not be effective cosmetic delving to make jewelry visible, it's not going to make a huge difference about
    how you look in any way shape or form given the size of the game and the intensity it has over Runescape.

    I do however feel that because Turbine took it upon themselves to make an armor kit system instead of an armor dye system, they do not intend on making all clothing in the game visible.(Yes clothing will always be mixed and diverse, but that's kinda where dyes come in to begin with.)

    /signed make clothing visible
    shouldnt being smaller make it more of a pain/ unnecessary to show individual parts? yet i see the necklaces, the gloves, the boots... i mean sure i dotn want rings to be shown (no one will ever see them), but bigger equips yes.
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  11. #11
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    Default Graphics for different equipment slots

    The thing is... Having a different graphic for each slot can be useful.

    Right off the bat, knowing a persons lvl and the graphic for each likely slot (hands, feet, head, body, legs) can give you a good idea of what those items are and as such how well equiped that person is. When a lvl 10 cleric joins the group and he's sporting lvl 4 gear ... I know it's time to start looking for other things to do.

    Also, I know I have been clued in to the fact that my armor has been damaged by noticing all of a sudden that I am fighting naked. Simiularly, I have noticed that I had spent the better part of a battle without gloves ... after the battle was over. Because the little notice that pops up looks like any other and in the heat of things I'm just not always paying attention.

  12. #12
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Yea, in Everquest, people used to look like circus performers. People would routinely wear sub-optimal things in certain slots just so it wouldn't all clash horribly.

    I wouldn't mind seeing cloak slots, but then we'd proabably all end up looking like Batman if they did that.
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