Our trip last month to Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Universal is the park, the rest of the park is empty because everyone is at Harry Potter World. Lines are long. If you want to get into Ollivander's the line is ALWAYS long. Real long.
Butterbeer is creamsoda flavored and Pumpkin Juice is apple cider flavored.
It cost $110 person to get into the park and all the Harry Potter stuff was more more more.
The Harry Potter area has three rides only, the rest is stores. The area is very small. But if you are a fan of Harry Potter it is very cool.
There are a total of 25 wands you can buy. Around the park there are wand vendors that sell you 12 character wands, and inside Ollivander's are another 13 wands. The same wands can be purchased in the Harry Potter Movie, Deathly Hallows that just came out.
Just respect the Spell Limits.
Honeydukes. Which is almost always packed.
At Honeydukes you can buy Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans and Chocolate Frogs. The number one selling item is the Chocolate Frog at $9.99 per frog. We bought two of each of course. There is lots of other stuff to buy inside Honey Dukes. Honey Dukes is also attached to Zonkos. So you can easily walk in between the stores, if it is not too crowded. If you are the first person to buy a Pygmy Puff you get an extra sepcial event. Or so they say.
The sorting hat is inside the 3D ride. You will need a flash picture for it. We think the sorting hat should be used to find your seats at the Three Broomsticks, which is the restaurant there. Sadly, there is no utilization of the Sorting Hat or a Hogwarts Express ride.
This is Lord Voldemort's Wand. One of the 12 character wands that can be purchased around the property without having to wait in the line for Ollivander's.
We took advantage of the Child Swapping that is offered and picked up a kid that said he could drive us around.
Obviously, he couldn't. After wrecking the car I caught him trying to escape the wreckage.
After reporting to the police about the car wreck the kid told us about a nice bar to quench our thirsts. That is a Butterbeer Mustache.
As it turned out, we were actually dealing with a member of the Slytherin House.