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  1. #1
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Priming for crafting -what stays and what goes

    When you prime an item for crafting what effects stay and what go?

    Metal properties on either weapons or armor remain (note metalline is not a metal property):

    Race restrictions on an item go:

    Guild slots remain and bound and attuned status remains, but any alchemical rituals go:

  2. #2
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009



    Some things I didn't think about when looking at items.

    Metal properties stay - of course, we knew that.

    Perma-damage stays - this is actually pretty lame.

    Durability and Hardness change to base - this is terribly lame, when coupled with the above.

    Good find, Lainith. Now I'm tempted to take an item with more than 1/2 of it's Durability eroded due to Perma-damage and disjoining it, just to see what would happen. Does it become erased from existence? Instantly 0 Durability, therefore unusable without an addy ritual?

    Have you bug reported it? It may or may not be a bug, but they'll (hopefully) know faster if it isn't WAI.

  3. #3
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Hmm... thats an interesting point. Have to look into that further.

  4. #4
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I decided to research further into that particular query.

    Intentionally damaged an item down to the point where permadamage exceeded what a non-magical version of the item would have for maximum durability. See below.

    Then, "primed" the item for crafting by using the Dust of Disjunction. See below.

    As I hypothesized above, this essentially "Destroyed" the item - it is unusable in its current form.

    Of course, I couldn't just leave this alone. Instead, I had to craft it back up with something. Crafting with +2 Enhancement Bonus, then added Evil Outsider Bane, as seen in both pictures below.

    So, crafting it back upwards made it a usable item again, although obviously not a very good one. The massive amount of perma-damage makes it undesirable.

    Also, I tested this on items without permanent damage. They would start with 0 durability, but could be repaired back up to full. This worked on Stone of Change Bound, and not Stone of Change Bound, items.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 04-25-2011 at 08:07 PM.

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