And that's the rarity of certain races. Indeed, these two races are probably in the fewest MMOs.
First of all is the lizardman race. At first, only Everquest really allowed you to play as one. The next MMO to allow that was, outside of Everquest 2, "City of Heroes" if I recall correctly. And then Champions Online. So that's three-- er, four MMOs that I can think of off the top of my head that allow this.
And then there's dragons. Only two MMOs allow you to play as dragons. Horizon Online or (Or something Istara, whatever it's called now), a horribly outdated MMO that is probably going to tank soon due to low revenue. And considering how un-user friendly the game is from what I've read on its own forums, that's really not much of a surprise. Especially since you can only play as humans in the trial - and if there's anything I learned, you want to hook players with the most awesome options at first so that they actually want to keep playing, not force them with a boring option and go "Well, if this is all you have for me for simply trying it out, then I don't think I'll subscribe."
And then "recently", there's Archlord. It also has a huge focus on PvP, which I don't really like. But because the world does not revolve around me, it still counts.
And I'm not factoring half dragons into the equation because the number would still be the name. I can't think of a single MMO that lets you play as a half dragon.
I suppose the point of this is... why? Why do so many MMOs, P2P or otherwise, seem so reluctant to include anything of a scaley nature? And why is it that when they do introduce them, they tend to relegate them to being an evil race? (I'm looking at you, Everquest and Everquest 2)
I mean really, isn't it about time that we started introducing the awesome races to other MMOs? Heck, considering the changes in the canon to Eberron, playing as a Dragonborn would not be impossible for DDO. Or for that matter, Kobold could easily work as a lizardman type race. I won't ask to play as a full dragon because that's a monster race and monster races would be extremely hard to balance for gameplay. Not to mention, I don't think other players would appreciate hundreds of two-story tall dragons stomping around Korthos.