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Thread: ML of items

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Lightbulb ML of items

    Just a thought and not sure if it was already mentionned, although I don't recall seeing it.

    But if Turbine wants to keep shards and crafted items Bound to Character instead of Bound to Account, why not reduce the minimum level of bound items ?

    Which would bring ML to :
    Unbound = Same as what you find in random loot
    Bound = Lower (-2 level or something) like if it was Race-Restricted

    This would have the effect that Bound items would be a little better than Unbound, giving a reason for players of every levels to craft for themselves instead of waiting for Unbound shards.

    You would get the items two levels earlier on your next life (or first life if you invest time in crafting) or at 20th you would be able to pump a little more into it than otherwise.

    There's got to be a valid reason to create Bound above Unbound shards/items.

    My 2 coppers.

  2. #2
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    but... then why would anyone create/use unbound items? You could make them sooner and they'd be better...

  3. #3
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Unfortunately as it stands, crafting is very limiting for me personally. Good twink items will take a while to make and even at that point, they will be 1-3 levels higher than equivalent random generated loot. In my opinion, that particular use for crafting is useless. That leaves high level loot and loot with unique properties which sadly leaves about 98% of the work Turbine has done for crafting a complete waste of time for me. Of course this may change when unbound crafting hits the scene but at least for now, I'll be focusing on the same few items that everyone else is. Holy Silver stuffs and unique properties not available on random loot.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  4. #4
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuarok View Post
    but... then why would anyone create/use unbound items? You could make them sooner and they'd be better...
    To trade/give away?

    Not that easy to get every single one of your characters up to crafting lvl 70 or whatever youll need to make the best stuff.

    Seems like the whole point/fun of a crafting system, is to lvl up, so you can finally start making some profit, off other players.

    Yet turbine didnt think we were rdy for such a simple concept.

  5. #5
    Community Member kyleann's Avatar
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    The OP is correct in their assessment of the carp that is crafting. Since it's BtC and you have to level crafting on all your characters to use crafted items, the ML should reflect the work you put in. If what you craft is one level HIGHER in ML than the same item you could, if you're mega lucky, loot from a chest then there is no point to craft in the first place. If you could craft an item with an ML even 1 level lower than the random loot gen can produce, you'd be in business.

    Currently the time investment simply is not worth it. Unless of course you are the person who won the plat giveaway, then crafting is

  6. #6
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    They have said that unbound crafting is in the process, and one interesting point is that you can craft bound to account items, but priming items for crafting that are already bound to account.

    I did find some interesting uses of the ML if you want to put a single effect on an item, but I agree that putting multiple effects is pretty pointless as the minimum level increases very fast.

  7. #7
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    The BtA thing is a bug and is going away. BtA will be stripped along with the magic effects when an item is disjunctioned.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  8. #8
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    The BtA thing is a bug and is going away. BtA will be stripped along with the magic effects when an item is disjunctioned.
    Where do they say this? Every thread I've seen the devs have ignored this, even threads where asking if it was WAI was asked.

  9. #9
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kittikatgurl View Post
    Where do they say this? Every thread I've seen the devs have ignored this, even threads where asking if it was WAI was asked.

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