When you join my groups, as many know, but apparently, some do not, Atma(ME) will do the following:
I will pike part one. Shamelessly.
I will rush part 2, mob stuff at center, gather the bosses and bring them down. Likely some will still be figuring out who gets the power shards. Don't panic, I'm fine.(And if not, its my fault anyways)
I will rush part 3, I will solve puzzles as I go, if u can't get yours, just say so and wait for me(or another rog/wiz to let you out) but make sure you let us KNOW your not in your room.
I will (Yup, you guessed it) rush part 4, again chances are people are still buffing. I will call you all to center, again, don't panic, lay down your dancing balls, webs, whatever, right in the middle, gather up near me, NOT off to the side. In the CENTER, i can't intim mobs over there, so if u die, its YOUR fault not mine. When harry drops, casters and healers step off to the side and let the melee's do the beatdown.
I will NOT rush part 5. But I really rather that ppl get goin and moveit! When in part 5, we start the beatdown, mob 1 red name, beat down, whoever eats agro, lead the mob to the side and finish, repeat with the other 3. No 'waiting for mana' unless our healers and casters have blown all they got.
This is just in 'response' to the 'Oh nice recovery' comments I keep hearing cuz 'some idiot rushed part 2/3/4' I hear EVERY TIME I lead a shroud. I don't do it like others, but we ALWAYS pull a win. go with the flow, don't be such a conformist and realize sometimes things work well 'OTHER' ways.
Thats it. Quest away and enjoy your large scales![]()