Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk
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Yeah, if I was the leader, and some jackass went in on the wrong difficulty, that would be that for them in a quest like the shroud. Want to go in on hard? *Kick* Good luck with that thenOther quests, you might tolerate a misclick (which it clearly wasn't, blatant disregard), but raids are clearly different. You read the lfm, you follow the lfm, and you work with the group. You follow the etiquette, you tell ppl to voice up at lower levels, and for the shroud, All ashore who's goin ashore. And +1, for holding the line on dbags.
I speak for myself when I say, group Leader is the name of god to me. You went through the trouble of creating the group, filling the appropriate slots, and setting up the whole experience for us, I'm in your debt. Ingratitude from jerks in the group is unacceptable. Blatant disregard and sabotage leads me to believe the player is a twisted 12 year old Group B style introverted loser, and I don't want to play with twisted 12 year old group B style introverted losers. I would certainly associate their guild with them as well, probably composed of the kind of people stated previously, because I view guilds as a circle of friends, and not wanton acquaintances.. In fact, I would right then blacklist the entire guild without so much as a whisper to any of its other members, just on principal. Having done this, I would also not slander them. This is just my way of business and trimming the fat of society. Let's do things strong & clean or not at all. I have thousands of great players and people to meet, the ones in between those meetings just give more value to the latter. The whole purpose of a leaf, is to give energy to the precious flower.
Last edited by Munesai; 04-24-2011 at 06:41 AM.
Reminds me of a shroud run I did a couple weeks back where we had 2 pikers from another such guild that didn't really care what their people do. Who, when we got to part 3, decided to break the crystals above their doors instead of solving to go and pike at the fountain, then for fun decided to hit the final portal before our healers and casters could use the rest shrine and finally decided to just kill the elemental during the final fight before our buffs were handed out and our clerics had sp. We won eventually but it just made things harder and a lot less fun all in all.
Omg no wai sir 11 min shroud not possible on sarlona
(unless organized guild run?)
Sarlona shrouds get reformed if the first portal is
Opened before everyone has gh and blur which are critical
Buffs to beat inanimate objects
Shroud is hardcore endgame ask house 5
No completion should be <30 mins less Zerg more flowersniff
**** zergers
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ya really wat is so bad bout house v guild (sarlona) last time i checked we didn't do anythin to you guys
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Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
I never enter a quest prior to the leader/organizer. Setting the level is their perogative.
What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good any more?
Proud handler of Baldric, Melkazar, Clant, Mulray, Tirimon, Mallon.
Remember, if one of them falls off a cliff, it's actually my fault.
Fastest Shroud run I've ever ran was 14 minutes and we didn't have any Chinese. I have to agree though, the chaos in part 2 with those guys is always a blast!
First time I ever ran an all Chinese shroud I was solo healing. Part 2 freaked me out, I was like ***! However by the time those words came out of my mouth Part 2 was over, it was awwwesome! LOL
WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt
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