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  1. #1
    Community Member Elements's Avatar
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    Default What not to do in shroud

    A few guildys and I run shroud raids from time to time you might have seen our lfms. Just about every time the LFMS says normal fast and we tend to complete in under 35 mins more times than not its in less than 30. So we get a caster that joins. He decides hard and zones in before others can, LFM clearly states NORMAL. A few people may or may not have been ready for this.

    Doesnt listen to instructions and doesnt even outkill other caster thanks for piking. Honestly I have no idea what he did. We get to part five I say wait till healers get mana pls its on hard not normal dude kills last red name I get really annoyed. Then said person thinks its fun to stand on altar and click it as soon as Harry dies, not cool we had some lower level people that may not have wanted xp ruined with level 20s in group. All in all its just not cool.

    Is respect something no one has for any other person or party leader? I am pleased that no one else bailed or seemed to get upset other than myself Id like to personally thank everyone in the group that listened and did their part but honestly Mr piker caster you know who you are, please do me a favor dont ever join my lfms, and I wont join yours my alts are Circinus Berkelium Musca Detirium and Isizenze the bard I was on at the time. I have never felt the need to call someone out or not group with them till now usually I am soft spoken and type but this person just pushed way to far and never said or honestly did anything the whole quest.

    Please squelch all of the above toons, Mr. Caster. Thank you - Elements
    Officer of Chimera - Sarlona

  2. #2
    Community Member DFraser's Avatar
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    No, most people respect or at least listen to group leaders. But the world is full of d-bags who just want to *&% with other people so they can feel better about themselves. Sorry you and the group had to put up with it.

  3. 04-23-2011, 12:27 AM

  4. #3
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    If he zoned in on Hard you could have broke group, reformed, and entered on normal.

    The LFM said fast, he didn't save anyone in Pt5. Do you normally save someone on a fast normal run?

    Lowbie's already would have ruined the XP through completing the other parts, and larges are scarce XP isn't so much. I'd take no XP happily from the Shroud for as long as I play if it ment I only pulled LDS and Stones.

    Hitting the alter right away is about as foul as foul gets. Complete d-baggery.

    Not listening to the star is also crud behavior. If nothing else respect the star and you have someone to blame if it goes south.

    All that being said. I'm sorry, but if ya'll finished then this is pretty weak drama. Mr. Piker doesn't sound like someone I'd like to group with, but really not bad enough to come to the forums for.

    I mean I've been doing Icy runs this last week. First one I see drop to a WF, a monk asks if it's up for roll, and the WF asks 'how much'. Monk offers base, and WF loots. Second one I see, party leader says it's up for roll d54, one of his guildies rolls, I roll a 53, he sees his guildy doesn't have it, and then passes it to said guildy. Might just be because I witnessed those, but I think they're much better drama. Both on Argo if that matters.

    I'd even take intimidating everyone together in part2 as better drama or killing the fire elemental first, repeatidly. Or rushing in to pt3 as fast as possible to start the wall timer.

  5. #4
    Community Member Towrn's Avatar
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    I was in that group, quest was fairly easy, we had to take out part 4 in 2 rounds and part 5 went a little longer than normal, but all in all a great party, sans unamed caster.

    It sucks that people that were wanting to leave didn't get a chance to, but still was a good fun run.

    Never really grouped with many of your guild, but I like your style, I'll look for your LFM's again when I'm in the mood to join a pug.
    Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk

  6. 04-23-2011, 12:54 AM

  7. #5
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Personally, I run for completions 99% of the time, however I still don't like it when people are not given a chance to leave.

    Most of the time I hit "fast" runs. Some are ddoor, some are /death out. But the leader establishes this and only once have I seen this not followed. Unfortunately, there are some people who think they control that shroud run even if they don't have the star and will hit the alter in part 5 not caring. That's fine when they're in a guild run since that's how certain guilds run it, but not acceptable when you hit someone elses pug.

  8. #6


    I would have reformed after he decided to enter on hard. Hate people that think they are the leader when they don't have the star and didn't form the group.

    I have always considered it to be the leader's honor to decide what difficulty to do and when to go inside the quest.
    Not saying others can't suggest another difficulty setting, but leader always has last call on it.
    And I don't know why but it always bothers me to see someone enter a quest/raid when the leader is still out.

    I've had something similar happen a few days ago, joined a PUG. LFM clearly stated it was for farming normal a few times. After one run someone decides "hard ok?" and enters. I wasn't the leader but it still ****ed me off that some people just have no respect for the one that made the effort of putting the group together.

    Hate people like that
    Who was it?

  9. #7
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Last time someone tried to pull that on a party was a VoD I joined a couple weeks back. LFM was up for Hard, some jacknut went in on Normal. I recalled, and thankfully guildies seeing me in Subterrane made them want to do VoD.

  10. #8

  11. 04-23-2011, 07:53 AM

  12. #9
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    More Zerg pl0x

    Fast sarlona shrouds are 30 mins /flex at other servers

  13. #10
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    I still wanna see a 15 min run like the Chinese did on my first ever shroud run.

    It CAN be done.

  14. #11
    Community Member twigzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    I still wanna see a 15 min run like the Chinese did on my first ever shroud run.

    It CAN be done.
    Indeed. My fastest run was 17 or 19 mins and of coarse it was with a Chinese guild. I love those guys! I love the total chaos in part 2 with them.

  15. 04-23-2011, 09:41 AM

  16. #12
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twigzz View Post
    Indeed. My fastest run was 17 or 19 mins and of coarse it was with a Chinese guild. I love those guys! I love the total chaos in part 2 with them.
    The best thing about the 'total chaos' is that after it all, you see how it was not chaos at all, but this freaking amazing divine order lol

  17. #13
    Community Member sparty55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoolZ View Post
    If he zoned in on Hard you could have broke group, reformed, and entered on normal.

    The LFM said fast, he didn't save anyone in Pt5. Do you normally save someone on a fast normal run?

    Lowbie's already would have ruined the XP through completing the other parts, and larges are scarce XP isn't so much. I'd take no XP happily from the Shroud for as long as I play if it ment I only pulled LDS and Stones.

    Hitting the alter right away is about as foul as foul gets. Complete d-baggery.

    Not listening to the star is also crud behavior. If nothing else respect the star and you have someone to blame if it goes south.

    All that being said. I'm sorry, but if ya'll finished then this is pretty weak drama. Mr. Piker doesn't sound like someone I'd like to group with, but really not bad enough to come to the forums for.

    I mean I've been doing Icy runs this last week. First one I see drop to a WF, a monk asks if it's up for roll, and the WF asks 'how much'. Monk offers base, and WF loots. Second one I see, party leader says it's up for roll d54, one of his guildies rolls, I roll a 53, he sees his guildy doesn't have it, and then passes it to said guildy. Might just be because I witnessed those, but I think they're much better drama. Both on Argo if that matters.

    I'd even take intimidating everyone together in part2 as better drama or killing the fire elemental first, repeatidly. Or rushing in to pt3 as fast as possible to start the wall timer.
    Frankly i've been playing this game for over four years and have been in some pugs with some real dweebs, but usually its just a personality thing or being a noob and not knowing better thing - this is the first time someone deliberately screwed with everyone. Complete lack of respect for others in the party.

    Maybe it happens to others frequently, but not to us - thus the post on the forums seems warranted. I would hope that we have a good reputation on this server, we frequently do shroud runs and take puggers with us. We like to joke around a lot and have fun but at the same time i think we are good players and want to complete the quest with as little problems as possible. So when this happened last night it threw us off a bit.

    I hope everyone else who was in the shroud run with us forgives the "calling out" at the end of the quest - it was more from surprise since unlike Boolz, we really don't run into ******bags like this everyday.

  18. #14
    Community Member jydog100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    I still wanna see a 15 min run like the Chinese did on my first ever shroud run.

    It CAN be done.
    11 min fastest ive been in on khyber (thx wunderlust), speed runs usually +/- 20 mins (thx norg)
    Badlass 20/10 Bard, Wc....Badlazz 20/10 Bard, Sb....Havnt got a clue 20/10 Bard SS....Slyfoxx 20/10 ranger dex/tempest....Stillgot no clue 20/10 ranger AA in limbo.....22 others, mostly mules.

  19. #15
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jydog100 View Post
    11 min fastest ive been in on khyber (thx wunderlust), speed runs usually +/- 20 mins (thx norg)
    Our numbers are similar. Unfortunately, there is a culture on Sarlona in which they interpret flower-sniffing cuddle fests as speed runs, and there are several guilds who perpetuate those targets. Soulless runs sub 20s, and if the clock hits 20 we flip and call it a **** run. Other guilds are not as whiny. If only people could hear our teamspeak.... Ok, better that they don't. Clemm might scare the children.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

  20. 04-23-2011, 10:49 AM

  21. #16
    Community Member Elements's Avatar
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    Really wasn't upset about doing hard or he didnt give the cleric and FVS time to get mana or that he piked, although I felt as though we were being sabotaged. What got me was clicking on the altar right away that sent me over the edge I prolly should have handled it different and apologize to everyone else there doing the right thing. I'm upset because that was my last toon off timer and now I'm locked out from Shroud farming all weekend. I couldn't even cast DD on myself or teleport out in time just wasnt cool but ty to everyone who helped get the completion on hard and it was prolly a sub 40 min run anyway so thanks.
    Officer of Chimera - Sarlona

  22. #17
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodallec View Post
    More Zerg pl0x

    Fast sarlona shrouds are 30 mins /flex at other servers

    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post
    Our numbers are similar. Unfortunately, there is a culture on Sarlona in which they interpret flower-sniffing cuddle fests as speed runs, and there are several guilds who perpetuate those targets. Soulless runs sub 20s, and if the clock hits 20 we flip and call it a **** run. Other guilds are not as whiny. If only people could hear our teamspeak.... Ok, better that they don't. Clemm might scare the children.

    I love the both of you.
    Soulless or Die.

  23. #18
    Community Member WestiesMA's Avatar
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    I was the party leader - this guy went in on Hard (and did not admit it I figured it out). Not a big deal - we had a good group and no one protested loudly, although I got a couple of tells saying they had no decent DR breaker. Not a big deal - we had two healers if he had gone in on Elite I probably would have reformed since my guildies and I were not on our main toons.

    He piked through Parts 1-4 not really doing anything not a big deal we had another caster who was good and handled it. Part 4 took two flights (unusual for our guild runs) but not a big deal some folks had said they did not have ideal gear.

    In Part 5 I started to get really annoyed. IMHO the healers get to choose when we kill the last lieutenant since they are the ones who need to expend resources if things don't go well. All of a sudden he woke up and blasted the earth elemental while the cleric and FvS were in the pools. Not cool.

    The things that set me off was when he was standing on the altar and hit it as soon as Harry died so no one had a chance to DD out. That is NOT how our guild Shroud runs go. We always give people a chance to get out who want to. I am sad to admit that I kind of lost it also and called the guy out vigorously. That was me - please do not blame my guild for that. I am usually professional about things.

    If you are going to pike, pike. Don't sabotage 11 other people who may want to DD out. Don't make other people expend resources when they did not expect to.

    Aylianna * Aylamarran * Callwynn * Sellia

  24. #19
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    Harry at 3-5% => /death ( and i don't feel bad doing it )

    The mentioned caster wouldn't be able to kill the elemental if it wasn't on like 0.5% ( while kiting it around the altar ) => let it be more than 15ish% next time so you won't see a caster kill it.

    K I so wanna know what's his/her name, send me a pm with da info would ya ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jydog100 View Post
    11 min fastest ive been in on khyber (thx norg)
    SS or it didn't happen.

  25. #20
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flech View Post
    SS or it didn't happen.
    11 minute runs have been recorded several times. Its not that hard, actually. Just bring piles of DPS and go already.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

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