A few guildys and I run shroud raids from time to time you might have seen our lfms. Just about every time the LFMS says normal fast and we tend to complete in under 35 mins more times than not its in less than 30. So we get a caster that joins. He decides hard and zones in before others can, LFM clearly states NORMAL. A few people may or may not have been ready for this.
Doesnt listen to instructions and doesnt even outkill other caster thanks for piking. Honestly I have no idea what he did. We get to part five I say wait till healers get mana pls its on hard not normal dude kills last red name I get really annoyed. Then said person thinks its fun to stand on altar and click it as soon as Harry dies, not cool we had some lower level people that may not have wanted xp ruined with level 20s in group. All in all its just not cool.
Is respect something no one has for any other person or party leader? I am pleased that no one else bailed or seemed to get upset other than myself Id like to personally thank everyone in the group that listened and did their part but honestly Mr piker caster you know who you are, please do me a favor dont ever join my lfms, and I wont join yours my alts are Circinus Berkelium Musca Detirium and Isizenze the bard I was on at the time. I have never felt the need to call someone out or not group with them till now usually I am soft spoken and type but this person just pushed way to far and never said or honestly did anything the whole quest.
Please squelch all of the above toons, Mr. Caster. Thank you - Elements