Originally Posted by
I realize ranged ain't the most popular builds, and I've no issues with the rest of your post. But realize the guy is a founder, and has been playing 5 times as long as you. Doesn't automatically make him the best player of all time, but don't assume he's an idiot who doesn't grasp the basics of the game, either. Lets look at your example: catacombs, full of undead which are resistance to *gasp* piercing damage, which would be all bows. And at level 2, when pretty much nothing that makes ranged half-way decent (arcane archer, multi-shot, improved precise shot, bow strength on some (including this) builds) is not yet available. Out damaging such a character ain't much of an accomplishment, and I wouldn't expect Ganak to be using exclusively a bow in that situation. Doesn't mean he has to put it down in the 80% of the game that is much more favorable to his character, which qualifies as rarely putting it down in my book, particularly since there is no real reason he ever even needs to run catacombs.