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  1. #1
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Default Ninja Arcane Archer - The Ghost Marksman

    This build is heavily influenced by Nick's (Groan) build he posted. Mine really just has a few twinks to my own preferences.

    For me, I'm using this build to TR my monk 3 times for my Ranged Ranger Tanak Arcarius. I'm sure it's not perfect, but for me it's short duration TR lives. Can be optimized for a permanent build.

    12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Fighter
    Arcane Archer/Ninja

    36 point build
    Str: 16
    Dex: 16
    Con: 14
    Int: 8
    Wis: 16
    Chr: 8

    1 stat level up in dex which along with a +2 dex tome will get me 19 for IPS. Rest stat level ups in Wis.

    Level Progression and Feats
    M1 - Half elf Dilante Rogue, Point Blank Shot, Toughness (monk free feat)
    M2 - Zen Archery (monk free feat)
    F3 - Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged (Ftr free feat)
    R4 - Bow Strength (granted ranger feat)
    R5 - Rapid Shot, TWF (granted ranger feats)
    R6 - Past Life Ranger
    R9 - Mental Toughness (to qualify for AA), Manyshot, Improved TWF, (granted ranger feats)
    M10 - Dark path (monk path feat)
    M12 - Improved Crit: Ranged
    M13 - Dodge (to qualify for Ninja)
    F14 - Improved Precise Shot (free fighter feat)
    M15 - Extend
    M18 - Toughness

    To me its a cool build, but I'll be just TR'ing again once hit 20, so not optimized for epics. Kudos again to Nick for the build.

    I also proudly almost never put down the bow on my ranged toon Tanak.

    And would still pwn most of you reading this on ur best melee toon:P
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Why wisdom based instead of strength based? What stance do you plan to be in? Why no stunning fist?

  3. #3
    Community Member Ryiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Why wisdom based instead of strength based? What stance do you plan to be in? Why no stunning fist?
    Zen archery, amongst making shortbows and longbows ki weapons, also lets you use wisdom instead of dexterity. Based on him talking about his ranged DPS and never putting down the bow, I'll assume stunning fist would just be unused. And I'm going to take a gamble and assume water stance although it could be sun for additional ki and damage.

  4. #4
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryiah View Post
    Zen archery, amongst making shortbows and longbows ki weapons, also lets you use wisdom instead of dexterity. Based on him talking about his ranged DPS and never putting down the bow, I'll assume stunning fist would just be unused. And I'm going to take a gamble and assume water stance although it could be sun for additional ki and damage.
    Spot on.

    Although Earth stance is a darkhorse. I'll play around.
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  5. #5
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    I would look at dropping extend and picking up power attack for a little extra punch in melee combat (or something more into your build) since with only 6 lvls ranger you spells wouldnt be worth the feat imo..
    To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryiah View Post
    Zen archery, amongst making shortbows and longbows ki weapons, also lets you use wisdom instead of dexterity. Based on him talking about his ranged DPS and never putting down the bow, I'll assume stunning fist would just be unused. And I'm going to take a gamble and assume water stance although it could be sun for additional ki and damage.
    I'm aware that zen archery provides the option for wisdom for attack value but generally speaking, it's a bad option. Because;
    1. You could have higher dexterity that what is possible for wisdom considering the required investment that you have to make into for IPS (3-4 points higher probably, this will be increased in fire or air stance which are the best stances for leveling, earth sends it back the other way a little bit but if it's a leveling build you won't use this anyway as it only becomes good at monk 12 which'll be level 19 or 20.)
    2. Reflex is a much more important save than will.
    3. You aren't getting enough utility out of your wisdom, ranged attack, AC and the least useful save, dexterity or strength is a much stronger choice.

    Stunning fist wise, I think you're missing a huge opportunity particularly if you go the high wisdom route.

    Never put down your bow? I met a guy who did that in catacombs ... my level 2, 10 strength sorcerer with a sword outkilled him (I didn't cast a single spell just to prove a point).

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Never put down your bow? I met a guy who did that in catacombs ... my level 2, 10 strength sorcerer with a sword outkilled him (I didn't cast a single spell just to prove a point).
    I realize ranged ain't the most popular builds, and I've no issues with the rest of your post. But realize the guy is a founder, and has been playing 5 times as long as you. Doesn't automatically make him the best player of all time, but don't assume he's an idiot who doesn't grasp the basics of the game, either. Lets look at your example: catacombs, full of undead which are resistance to *gasp* piercing damage, which would be all bows. And at level 2, when pretty much nothing that makes ranged half-way decent (arcane archer, multi-shot, improved precise shot, bow strength on some (including this) builds) is not yet available. Out damaging such a character ain't much of an accomplishment, and I wouldn't expect Ganak to be using exclusively a bow in that situation. Doesn't mean he has to put it down in the 80% of the game that is much more favorable to his character, which qualifies as rarely putting it down in my book, particularly since there is no real reason he ever even needs to run catacombs.

  8. #8
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    For Bow using he need Zen Archery to be centerd,i have a lvl 11 Ranger 2 Fighter 2 Monk atm and going to get me 7 lvl Monk and im using 2 GS Bows.Running most of time since lvl 12 with a earthgrab bow around and using Firestance for more str.And from lvl 4 i use most of Time Bows,but i can Meele 2.

    Dmg depends most of time what Equipe u use and ur Playstyle.

    But i think its better u Focus on Str,u have the ranger Bow Str Feat,and i didnt think u go for 40 Wisdom.

  9. #9
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azonalanthious View Post
    I realize ranged ain't the most popular builds, and I've no issues with the rest of your post. But realize the guy is a founder, and has been playing 5 times as long as you. Doesn't automatically make him the best player of all time, but don't assume he's an idiot who doesn't grasp the basics of the game, either. Lets look at your example: catacombs, full of undead which are resistance to *gasp* piercing damage, which would be all bows. And at level 2, when pretty much nothing that makes ranged half-way decent (arcane archer, multi-shot, improved precise shot, bow strength on some (including this) builds) is not yet available. Out damaging such a character ain't much of an accomplishment, and I wouldn't expect Ganak to be using exclusively a bow in that situation. Doesn't mean he has to put it down in the 80% of the game that is much more favorable to his character, which qualifies as rarely putting it down in my book, particularly since there is no real reason he ever even needs to run catacombs.
    I don't want to get into a melee vs ranged discussion, I don't think Ganak's build thread is an appropriate place for it. However, I provided that example as I think it is important for everyone who uses a bow to realise that it can't be a 100% of the time style unless it is for flavour reasons (ie, you don't mind not contributing as much). The particular proportion of ranged and melee will change for everyone depending on many factors (character build, gear, experience, played content, flavour etc).

    I think the biggest problem that I have is that someone new to the game who reads this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    I also proudly almost never put down the bow on my ranged toon Tanak.
    might result in the attitude that I saw from the guy in catacombs. Can you see the connection? Do you see that someone with so much experience, a founder, no less, can influence new players into adopting misconceptions?

  10. #10
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Aye great points; I'll add the disclaimer that this is an advanced flavor 36 point TR build. I've got a level 8 greensteel triple earth bow and the gear to pull off 95% ranged thro the leveling process. To roll primarily ranged takes the right parts and experience to pull off, otherwise its Gimpsville USA.

    For a permanent build, it would be important to attend to melee by adding in stunning fist in place of a toughness and perhaps power attack in place of extend.

    The last two feats are up in the air. The feat progression is constructed to quickly get to AA/Ninja/IPS by level 14.

    Indeed the reflex saves are a point of concern, as is melee to hit at higher levels.

    However this build has sneaky melee potential with the high wisdom special attack dc's and 6d6 sneak attack damage.
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  11. #11
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    However this build has sneaky melee potential with the high wisdom special attack dc's and 6d6 sneak attack damage.
    I don't think your wisdom based dark moves will ever work consistently considering that you are 8 points of DC behind a pure monk. That is an equivalent of having 16 points less wisdom than your average vanilla dark monk (mine has about 32 wisdom at level 20 without any particular gear and things save fairly often, are you pulling 48+ wisdom from somewhere?)

    Considering the lower AB (dexterity can be higher than wisdom), lower reflex save etc, I really can't see the benefit of being wisdom based over dexterity or strength based. Also, not investing so heavily in wisdom would let you have more HP or Skills. In fact, if you're not taking stunning fist you could safely dump wisdom on this build and really boost up strength/dexterity/constitution.

    Anyway, if wisdom is your preference then I'm sure you've considered its utility, good luck with the build

  12. #12
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    I have to agree with most of Wax's comments here: This style of Build excels at Manyshot then putting down the bow and letting off a stream of ToDs in melee.

    Its a great build for Burst-DPS output. By 'almost never putting down a bow' your letting alot of potential 500pt Touch of Death damage go to waste.

    Also, the build should be Strength & Wisdom optimised, with Stunning Fist worked in with the change forthcoming in Update 9.

    I say all this with having played the Ranger 11/Monk9 version for the past 6 months or more.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

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