This build is heavily influenced by Nick's (Groan) build he posted. Mine really just has a few twinks to my own preferences.

For me, I'm using this build to TR my monk 3 times for my Ranged Ranger Tanak Arcarius. I'm sure it's not perfect, but for me it's short duration TR lives. Can be optimized for a permanent build.

12 Monk/6 Ranger/2 Fighter
Arcane Archer/Ninja

36 point build
Str: 16
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 16
Chr: 8

1 stat level up in dex which along with a +2 dex tome will get me 19 for IPS. Rest stat level ups in Wis.

Level Progression and Feats
M1 - Half elf Dilante Rogue, Point Blank Shot, Toughness (monk free feat)
M2 - Zen Archery (monk free feat)
F3 - Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged (Ftr free feat)
R4 - Bow Strength (granted ranger feat)
R5 - Rapid Shot, TWF (granted ranger feats)
R6 - Past Life Ranger
R9 - Mental Toughness (to qualify for AA), Manyshot, Improved TWF, (granted ranger feats)
M10 - Dark path (monk path feat)
M12 - Improved Crit: Ranged
M13 - Dodge (to qualify for Ninja)
F14 - Improved Precise Shot (free fighter feat)
M15 - Extend
M18 - Toughness

To me its a cool build, but I'll be just TR'ing again once hit 20, so not optimized for epics. Kudos again to Nick for the build.

I also proudly almost never put down the bow on my ranged toon Tanak.

And would still pwn most of you reading this on ur best melee toon:P