So...what do you think the next DDO class is going to be?
So...what do you think the next DDO class is going to be?
Twitter THAT! B#^ch!
KOBOLD! Because, kobold still hate you!![]()
... a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation,
Even in the dragon's mouth.
next class is 99.9 % druid promised for theis year i think
Virt II makes elujin smile!
My bet's on artificer, with the new crafting system, house cannith ward, and a new pack about the warforged.
Sprulok TR 20 dark monk/ Spruloki lvl 20 TR'd Exploiter / Magnetik "aka Miss Piggy" TR'd 12ftr/6rgr/2monk/ tank / Trixxii lvl 20 TR'd light monk/ Bllaak Stabbath lvl 20 tr'd assassin/ Axetress lvl 14 juggernaut Zenaidemule --------------- Ghallanda server-------------Officer of the Captain's Crew
I would say some melee type class. Maybe a casting melee hybrid like the Eldritch knight or a Warmage.
But I really want something like the Mystic Theurge.
Streaming daily @ and
Co host of Cocktail Hour with Lessah and Samius!
Of course they could give us a Shaman...the next best thing to a Druid
Twitter THAT! B#^ch!
The next class will be:
wild mage
Henrieta, Fastfeet
Yes it's a lot of work, and yes Turbine said it won't happen this year. So what makes you think Devs are putting work into yet another class?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
... a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation,
Even in the dragon's mouth.
I'll have to guess commoner...(as jokingly posted in other forum)
No, wait.. It's DDO Developer!
1. The ability to write code in .0004 seconds
2. The ability to shrug off sarcasm, complaining, and whining
3. The ability to shape the very world everyone is adventuring in
4. And of course, a small nerf. We're going to reduce their ability to procreate so that we will have complete control of the population.
It's not druids, folks.. Fernando clearly stated that.
I think the best guess would be the "Artificer", though I'm not entirely sure exactly what that is...