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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Wizards and shields (and jumping)

    I had a Light and Darkness drop from the Mindsunder for my Monk (who's obviously not going to use it). I remembered reading somewhere about Wizards using shields as well - how does that work? When and why do you, as a Wizard, use a shield? Would Light and Darkness be good for that?

    Unrelatedly (I think), I've watched several videos of Wizards on various quests, and seen a lot of jump-casting. What do you gain from casting during a jump?

  2. #2
    Community Member Alektronic's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    SHIELDS- I use light and dark on my PM when I "tank" for the DR (I don't have stoneskin mem), or just for shield blocking when that's strategically necessary. Also can use it to get sp back if you have the torc/conc opp combo.

    JUMPING- Casting on the run slows you down. If you cast while in mid-air, you don't get hit with the speed penalty. It's also easier to aim some spells if you jump. For example, I like to jump and rain fireballs straight down into the middle of a crowd... kinda like a molotov cocktail . Seems more effective this way, and feels better.

    EDIT: Light and Dark is a pretty good shield for casters cuz of the low asf (arcane spell failure). I also have a +5 light mithral shield on another caster (similar concept), but named loot is so much cooler, hehe.
    -Thelanis toons- Alektronic (wolf), Bakeneko (monk), Ghyldra (druid), Hermeros (crafter), Lecker (wf wiz),
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  3. #3
    The Hatchery Rapthorn's Avatar
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    Jump casting compared to casting "on the run", allows you to move at a faster pace while your spell is going off.

    Some spells have a long casting time so jumping while doing it is more efficient. Imagine if you will, getting chased by something nasty and needing haste. If I tried casting haste while running, the monster would catch me before I was done casting and get some shots it. If I jump instead while casting, I get my spell, and big bad doesn't get near me.

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  4. #4
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Casting while jumping helps you avoid being hit (and thus being subject to concentration checks) when casting. Also, when you are walking and cast, you will slow up considerably until the cast is complete. When jumping, you won't unless it is a very long casting time spell.

    As for shields, on my wizard, I like gathering up a group of mobs, and shield blocking in an AoE around the melees. Until yesterday, I used the Skyvault shield (the huge one with the dragon symbolism on it), since it has no arcane spell failure.

    Light and Darkness is a good choice, because it has fairly high blocking DR and a lot of other nice abilities. It also only has a 5% spell failure chance which is rather good in non-critical situations.

    I currently use an Epic Kundarak Warding Shield (base 15% spell failure) with the -15% spell failure blue augment crystal slotted into it.

  5. #5
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    In addition, jumping screws with the monster AI. Melee-only mobs cant reach you if your jump is high enough. Mobs that have ranged available will pause a second or two, debating whether or not to keep chasing you or break out their ranged which time they are dead.

    Then of course there is the "Top Gun Maneuver"
    Gather some mobs on the run (preferably melee mobs). When you have a substantial number, jump backwards. The mobs run under you and into your line of fire. Rain death and destruction down upon them as they bunch up in a nice tight group, trying to wheel around and chase you. Jump forward and turn in mid-air, rain more death. Repeat. It is FAR quicker than trying to run in an arc or turn around on the ground and flank, etc. watch out for tripping mobs, though. They can sometimes catch you and the results are...unpleasant.

    Shields...I always have a +5 Mithril small shield or the Skyvault. Both have 0 ASF, with decent blocking DR for those times when I need to turtle up a bit. Works wonderfully on my PM when i am tanking multiple mobs and necro-blasting them to death

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