Take your pants off and grab a cocktail! It’s time for another DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited. What do you do when your life and your game time clash? Sometimes a static group is the right answer! We talk about finding the right group of people to give you your DDO Fix and some of the problems that can plague a good static group. Listen to find out which flagging quest chain Samius Gurobo loves to hate! Also, Lessah sounds so much like the Kobolds from the Crystal Cove, it is SCARY! Thanks so much for listening!
HERE is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!
You can also listen from our home on cyberears HERE
Intro, Walking The Dog
Grab a cocktail!
Elizabeth Sladen
Skynet becomes self aware! Doooooooom!!!!
Game of Thrones
Twitter Question: Twitter Follower Topics:
Twitter Question / Discussion: Static Groups:
Kobyaix: Static Groups what are your opinions on them and what do you feel they bring to the DDO experience?
Permadeath and Static Group Community page
No Rules Means No Pants!!!
Kosimo, Libertango
Kaidy if Khyber: Memorial Airship Idea!
Outro and Toast!
Don't for get to visit ddococktailhour.com
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