Originally Posted by
OK Alex, to give you an idea:
Using Chill Touch (4 SP) on various trash in the Vale, I deal roughly 50 per hit, ~80 on a crit. Assuming I 'hit' myself for a similar amount, thats 50-80 HP each time I heal. And given how often I crit, 80 is going to pop up pretty often.
LDA heals me for 1-7 per tick, with a relatively rare crit of 13. Lets call it 5 average. Over the course of its duration (1:20 IIRC, or 40 ticks), LDA would heal 200 HP. Casting CT every 4 seconds, it would heal a min of 1000 HP over the same amount of time. And that doesnt even allow for crits. In practical terms, it looks like this, allowing for cooldowns on spells and SLAs:
In a four second interval:
(1) Necrotic Blast (costs 10 HP), Necrotic Bolt (costs 5 HP), Chill Touch (gain 50 HP) = Net Gain of 35 HP, regen SP back to 12
(2) Necrotic Blast (costs 10 HP), Tick LDA for 5, Necrotic Bolt (costs 5 HP), Tick LDA for 5 = Net LOSS of 5 HP, SP remains at 12.
Now in reality, LDA ticks for 1-3 much more often than it ticks for 5, and WAY more than it ticks for 7. So the HP deficit will actually build up much faster than this. I have deliberately used numbers NOT in my favor here. As stated, LDA simply is NOT the uber HOT you seem to think it is. The one advantage of method 2 is that I could slide in Necrotic Ray once per 12-second cycle (10 SP) until I had to save SP for recasting LDA. But I would not be able to spam my SLAs without very quickly killing myself, so that only really helps to bring the baseline damage that I SHOULD be getting from spammed SLAs back to more or less center.
Again, I would not object to having Chill Touch (or whatever) become a self-healing spell. But with inherent bonuses in the PM class and gear, it would become MUCh more powerful than you realize, and would in fact be WAY more powerful than the LDA -- which, as shown, simply cannot keep up with the SLAs. The PM must either wait for that regen or get killed. He could do a nice bit of burst DPS, then have to sideline himself before dying from his own SLAs -- or grabbing aggro and getting killed cos his real DA is not up. But he could NOT afford to cast the SLAs indefinitely without significant pauses using LDA as his healing source.
Does this help?