Help me optimize my 20th level FvS.
She's a 34-pt. build TR elven FvS with the undying court lines.
I want to get opinions on some build choices, and gear selection. As I *settle in* to end game, I want to make sure she's built appropriately.
To be clear, she's really quite freakishly awesome, but I know there's always room for improvement.
toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, OTWF, empowered healing, IC/slash
Some of the gear isn't showing up correctly.
Goggles are just tier II so far...
Normally wear a necro2 deathblock necklace
hat does archmagi (+200 mana) and +15 concentration
Despite what it says, the ring is a tier III (ml 16) buccaneer's ring
armor is also tier III
boots are 25% striding +5 jump
+6 str bracers, +6 charisma cloak; vanilla stuff basically
I currently have tier II goggles, so my first priority is to get those finished. That will be a huge boost in power right there. I also want to score a bauble and a torc. What else should I be looking to acquire?
I was pondering replacing GTWF with Power Attack. Good idea? Bad idea?
I also think my dex is too high, and I'm not really gaining anything from that. I could respec and put those points into str, or maybe wisdom. Thoughts? I think I put two points there.
I could forego the trinket, but the +3 umd lets me wield pure good weapons (otherwise, my UMD maxes at a pathetic 19). I suppose I could always re-align her to LG with the DDO store item, and drop that trinket. I have a "head of good fortune" (+2 luck bonus to saves, moderate fortification) I could wear instead, though I'm not sure it gains me a whole lot. In theory, I could wear that, and then replace the ring (which I just spent 500,000 plat on in the AH!!) with something else (ring of balance?), but I'd kind of have to pick an alignment and stick with it. I do kind of like being true neutral, since I have a Light & Darkness shield which adds +10 to my AC when I equip it, but I haven't needed to do that yet, and I know AC is kind of meaningless (wuold only put me in mid-40s).
I know when I get con/opp goggles, I might actually have too much AC (probably not). Does DR prevent con/opp goggles from proc'ing?
thanks for the advice