Alright, I'm just arbitrarily, drunkenly venting here.
I, for the obvious reason of "I like to be effin awesome" have decided to play a divine casters. I like healing, I like being able to hit things, and on the day when I level a cleric or fvs to bladestorm levels, it will be a thing of BEAUTY! Pure, unadulterated, glorious, stabby beauty.
I like characters that can say "Oh, hai! hitting things...and healing"
Like Clerics, or Favored Souls, or sometimes Bards.
Up until U9's potential existence, I was like "oh, cleric is obviously cooler, by my COMPLETELY arbitrary argument system of "oh. pre's are just INSANELY COOL! therefore, clerics are cooler than favored souls...cuz workin pre".
Now though, it's looking like not only will clerics have an awesome PrE that justifies me being to lazy to actually CLICK on the other champion, but now FVS are getting "super-awesome debuff-the-heck-outta-everything" as a PrE. Both PrE's are incredibly cool looking on paper. Sofar, I KNOW the cleric prestige class is made of a combination of 80% awesomeness, 20% "foolish mortal, hug the cleric"-ness. And the FvS one looks equally amazing.
Now, they're two INSANELY cool sides of the same coin.
My new problem is "how do I choose"?
Flip a coin?
Rock/Paper/Scissors against myself?
Help me decide between the awesomeness of classic 18clr/2fighter 2hf-with-many-cool-casty/stabby feats
lord of blades fvs,
or half elf silver-flame fvs(who starts out a dilettante fighter, and ends up being a dilettantey pally), for casty+insane mutant DC reduction powers
I am so torn
Help me decide