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  1. #1
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Greater Reincarnating Original Fighter for Fun


    After many many tries, and years, I am finally about to hit 20 on my Fighter. I rolled this guy up a month or two after release, with the correspondingly horrific mix of skills feats and everything else that comes with leveling with all the changes to the game since then.

    I decided to go ahead and Greater Reincarnate him, just for fun. It wont' be the best DPS or anything, but I thought I'd make something vaguely useful in regular questing at least. The focus right now is a greatsword Kensai, I thought with the new shield feats coming, it'd be fun to throw on a shield now and then and play a semi-effective intimitank.

    And I know, the dragonmarks are completely pointless and useless, but hey...its a fun build! Its worth it for the reactions I get when I pop a DDoor at the end of Shroud. (Although if cleave/great cleave work well after update9, I might swap them in for them)

    Feats in no particular order since its a lvl 20 reincarnate.

    And be gentle. I'm fragile.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Gorgim Longdirk
    Level 20 True Neutral Human Male
    (20 Fighter) 
    Hit Points: 302
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 8
    Will: 5
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             16                    21
    Dexterity            14                    14
    Constitution         16                    16
    Intelligence         12                    13
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             10                    10
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 4
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               2                     4
    Bluff                 0                     0
    Concentration         3                     3
    Diplomacy             0                     0
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                0                     0
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  2                     2
    Intimidate            0                     0
    Jump                  3                     5
    Listen               -1                    -1
    Move Silently         2                     2
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                1                     1
    Search                1                     1
    Spot                 -1                    -1
    Swim                  3                     5
    Tumble                n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Least Dragonmark of Passage
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Selected) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Shield Mastery
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Lesser Dragonmark of Passage
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Dragonmark of Passage
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Level 20 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Shield Bash

    So? Is it just an unholy mess, or some usefulness on normal questing at least?
    Last edited by Zynthar; 04-20-2011 at 09:45 AM. Reason: Don't try for good grammer while on cold medicine.
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
    Grease is a party buff.

  2. #2
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Complete bad idea? totally boned? Laughed off the forums? Anything?

    don't make me spam the kobold cove app until someone tells me I'm nuts. :P
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
    Grease is a party buff.

  3. #3
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    You're a Kensei. Max Strength. Max Strength. Strength = Maximum.

    There Critique.

    Also, True Neutral + No UMD means no "Pure Good" weapons on this build.

    Actually, looking at them - all your skills are pretty FUBAR. Intim, UMD, Balance, one Rank of Tumble. Those are good starts.

  4. #4
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    It's a greater reincarnation, so I imagine the OP has either holy or greensteel or whatever. PG probably not a problem.

    Doesn't look like you did the skill points right in your build. Hard to be a timmytank with no timmy.

  5. #5
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I didn't bother doing the skills in the builder. They're not exactly rocket surgery... intim, jump, balance and spot.

    He's true neutral because at the time he was rolled, that was THE alignment for the uber. That was...mod 1 I believe. Stability was the tanking stat of choice.

    I suppose what I want to know, is if i can achieve anything like a reasonable intim or AC with this as a base build? I know i'll have to gear up for it. And will probably have to get rid of my beloved dragon marks for some intim feats.

    The idea is to be somewhat versatile while not being completely pigeon holed, and to still have fun with it. I liked the Meathelmet weekend warrior build, but want to do it on my pure fighter.
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
    Grease is a party buff.

  6. #6
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I went ahead and added in the skills. My apologises for not being more clear in what I was asking with this. I posted it early yesterday under the influence of various over the counter cold medications. They makes us do the straaange things.

    Basically what I want to know is, IS it possible to be a versatlie tank/DPS and pure fighter. I'm not planning on running elite's, raiding is just the usual shroud/hound/vod and such. There any hope, or should I just finish leveling up my Barbarian and TR my fighter?

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Max Fighter
    Level 20 True Neutral Human Male
    (20 Fighter) 
    Hit Points: 322
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 20\20\25\30\30
    Fortitude: 16
    Reflex: 9
    Will: 5
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             16                    23
    Dexterity            14                    16
    Constitution         16                    18
    Intelligence         12                    13
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             10                    12
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 4
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               4                    16
    Bluff                 0                     1
    Concentration         3                     4
    Diplomacy             0                     1
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                0                     1
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  2                     3
    Intimidate            4                    24
    Jump                  7                    29
    Listen               -1                    -1
    Move Silently         2                     3
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                1                     1
    Search                1                     1
    Spot                  0                    10
    Swim                  3                     6
    Tumble                3                     4
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 2 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Attack
    Level 3 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Least Dragonmark of Passage
    Level 4 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 5 (Fighter)
    Level 6 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Selected) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Handed Fighting
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Shield Mastery
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Lesser Dragonmark of Passage
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Dragonmark of Passage
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
    Level 19 (Fighter)
    Level 20 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Shield Bash
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
    Grease is a party buff.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I think you're on the right track for a DPS tank. The way you've built it you can switch between Kensai & SD depending on which role needs to be filled. And I'm intrigued by the tanking possibilities offered by the changes to Intim & shield feats.

    My approach was to take the Sentinel DMs for the bonus to Intim; it also lets you use the epic Chimera's Fang free with full bonuses, which some people seem to like. But I would have to drop some feats if I want to squeeze in the shield feats; and I haven't decided what I could sacrifice for them.

    However, I'm still learning & leveling my first "real" tank, so take my advice with a grain of salt - "the blind leading the blind" `n all that...
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Founder Zynthar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I had a conversation with a guildie of mine and may change the direction of it slightly. I'm going to drop combat expertise and pick up force of personality. Will drop the int back down, and go right for Charisma for it and the intim boost. It sounds like i won't be able to achieve "meaningful" end game AC, so I'm not even going to try. I'll keep the shield mastery, and maybe pick up improved for the extra %5 to the damage reduction there. Otherwise I'm going to focus on straight DPS and hate gain. This is just for me, but there are very very good healers in my guild, and as long as I make sure I'm beefy enough, I should be able to keep the attention of trash more than long enough for the rest to beat them down.

    I won't be boss tanking I know, but that's not what I really wanted. I just wanted to be able to help more when I see a lone caster being wailed on for overnuking or the healer getting smacked for being too awesome. That should achieve my goal, and if I'm taking too much damage, throw on the shield for some DR and the damage reduction from the feats.

    If it does well, I'll make a new thread to show what I did and how, otherwise i'm going to call this one. If anyone has anymore advice, I'd love to hear it though.

    Thanks all! And remember...damage reduction is the new AC (I'm gonna try that anyway)
    Just remember. Good build, bad build, it's all the same when you roll a 1.
    Grease is a party buff.

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