I thought this spell would protect you from command and hold.. is that right and if so its broke {the spell}..our silver flame priest on our ship throws it but it does not seem too be working is this a issue ?
I thought this spell would protect you from command and hold.. is that right and if so its broke {the spell}..our silver flame priest on our ship throws it but it does not seem too be working is this a issue ?
Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
yea currently the only functioning source of prot evil is from a player casted spell, or clicky.
Ship buff does not work.
Nor does the perm effect on silver flame fragment/talisman. (they partially work and provide the saves, but not the command immunity)
note the command immunity should only work vs evil casters tho. (not neutral or good)
But that covers 99% of monsters in the game.
Ty guys for the reply's Take care and Happy Hunting
Kahzadoom~Nexus~Irondoom~Doomlord~XvKing DoomHammer~
Xoriat Born~Doompriest~Doom~Xzr~Legion of Doom~Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
In ADnD 3.5, which is the version this game is based on, the spell is irrelevant and only the casters alignment applies. You can be a chaotic good necromancer, or a neutral enchanter, or whatever, and THAT will be the sole factor in determining what kind of alignment is associated with your spells.
Immunity to Command, Greater Command, and vampiric Domination.
Hold is Freedom of Movement.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
I'm pretty sure that Marut works as intended and commands with prot from evil on.
(But can't be 100% sure as I cant pop in and test it right this second as I am at work. Though I do remember at some point thinking "great, prot from evil is bugged" before remembering "oh yeah, maruts are lawful neutral". Then he stepped on me.)
Last edited by richieelias27; 04-25-2011 at 12:00 PM.
I have had a few different guildies tell me that they were getting commanded while scroll farming in the first room of Wiz King with their casted (not ship buff) Protection from Evil on, the ones saying this were divines. I have not had a problem with my own casted arcane Protection from Evil, nor have any other arcanes that I have asked.
So perhaps the bug is with the divine version of PfE and not just the ship buff?
I clear that room on my FvS quite a bit... My Magic circle works fine. no commands.
For some reason I thought you had to use magic circle and not protection from evil to prevent command in DDO. I recall reading this on the forums at some point. I'm not certain as my FvS doesn't carry either spell, but my paly does carry Magic Circle and I haven't seen this issue at 14.
I don't have a divine to test with, so I can only relay what I was told. If the spells are behaving differently that would be good to know though, so maybe someone with the time and inclination can check it out.
I told my guildies to check it out again and bug report if it is in fact not working for them.
Personally I have been commanded with the ship buff on, but not commanded with the arcane level 1 spell.
I have never been Command'ed or Greater Command'ed when I had Magic Circle or the single target PfE, cast from either my divine or my arcane.
The only time I ever got Greater Command'ed in the Shroud was when the Gnoll dispel'ed PfE off of me first.
Also, never got Command'ed in eWizKing while PfE was active.