I have a capped Ench. specced WF AM who i have recentl rekindled my love for. Right now i'm mostlyrunning desert epics (mainly wiz king with a buddy) and eChrono/TOD while i fill out my ring slots. Right now my hold Dc sits at 41 and i should be able to push this up to 42 with a hard TOD some time next week. From speaking to friends and guildies most current archmages are planning on respeccing for pale masters after the update. I had tried pale master when they were initially released however being warforged i never really saw the appeal however having read lelorics helpful pale master guide I think i could give my character a re-jig and make something worthwhile. I loved being able to spam 15 sp hold keeping my mass hold for an "oh ****" button and this tactic has served me well so far, and it will be hard to leave this behind. I'm sure there are a few of you out there who are in the same position i'm in - what is everybody doing with their enchanters?