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Thread: Post U9 AM/PM

  1. #1
    Community Member blackdoguk's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Post U9 AM/PM

    I have a capped Ench. specced WF AM who i have recentl rekindled my love for. Right now i'm mostlyrunning desert epics (mainly wiz king with a buddy) and eChrono/TOD while i fill out my ring slots. Right now my hold Dc sits at 41 and i should be able to push this up to 42 with a hard TOD some time next week. From speaking to friends and guildies most current archmages are planning on respeccing for pale masters after the update. I had tried pale master when they were initially released however being warforged i never really saw the appeal however having read lelorics helpful pale master guide I think i could give my character a re-jig and make something worthwhile. I loved being able to spam 15 sp hold keeping my mass hold for an "oh ****" button and this tactic has served me well so far, and it will be hard to leave this behind. I'm sure there are a few of you out there who are in the same position i'm in - what is everybody doing with their enchanters?
    Last edited by blackdoguk; 04-24-2011 at 01:01 PM.

    Barbachop/Fizzburn/Politikills & Boaby - Omnipresence,Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Made mine a PM and won't look back. Light damage will hurt, but there's only so many mobs that shoot that at me, so whatever. The thing about PM is that the boost to Int from Lich form and the ability to use Yugo pots while staying crit-immune results in the same dc's as an enchanter AM. It's also much less AP intensive, so I'll be able to be much more well-rounded in terms of which elements I'm going to focus on with the spell AP changes.
    Dreadbringer::DreadEngine::DreadCountes::DreadWarrior::DreadMaster::PinkyDiddles::Lennal::DreadMistres::DreadMatron::DreadCherub::DreadKing::More Coming!

  3. #3
    Community Member blackdoguk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Thanks, i feel a lot better about joining the "other side" now. Cheers

    Barbachop/Fizzburn/Politikills & Boaby - Omnipresence,Ghallanda

  4. #4

    Default AM... for Profit.

    I'll be respec'ing my AM's feats from:
    Transmute 2/Enchant 1, Fire/Cold spec to:
    Necro 2/ Enchant 1, Cold/Force-Untyped spec.

    While I think PM is awesome for fleshy. Running higher DA for larger scroll-kill-off groups necessitates RECONSTRUCT/repair crit. Also more SP's.

    The AP's are insanely restrictive and I'm not still sure how I fit them all. It's like AM 5 requries all the AP's of PM3... but also Conc1-4 (4) and EoS4 (4). So 8 AP's for a bunch of SP's.

    Either way... I can bounce between AM and PM with the given feat layout with just an enhancement respec and some re-gearing.
    Casual DDOaholic

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