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Not sure which thread to put this in, so I'll just start a new one. I don’t have a character on Lam, so don’t have personal experience trying the new crafting system. But I’ve been following the discussion here with interest.
I’m not sure what the intent of the crafting system is. There seem to be lots of different opinions on what the end result should be and Turbine has not really made their goal for crafting plain. So my comments are probably biased by what I think the goals of crafting should be.
In my mind, the crafting system should be something that can provide an alternative to the AH for equipment upgrades for a player’s first character and beyond. If it can’t be used by a new player, it doesn’t help Turbine keep new players long enough to convert them to paying customers.
I assume most new players upgrade their equipment as they level up primarily with loot from questing. The equipment they can’t use or don’t want gets sold. Maybe every few levels they have enough plat to buy an upgrade from the AH or brokers for some item they haven’t been lucky enough to get an upgrade from chests. IMO, crafting will prevent making that plat from selling equipment, so crafting should allow a similar upgrade path – every few levels a new character would be able to make something worthwhile that may only last for a few more levels before it is outleveled.
This works fine with the current system of only allowing BtC equipment in the early levels of crafting. When a character gets higher level, the crafted equipment could then be BtA, and ultimately unbound. But it seems that the leveling/imbuing is not calibrated well for the crafting level progression to match the character level progression as it is.
My 2 copper would be to make level 1-50 BtC items, with the specific effects to roughly correspond to the random loot progression. Then levels 51-100 would be BtA with approximately the same progression of effects, and levels 101-150 would be similar with unbound items.
For example, say Pure Good can be crafted at crafting level 6 (BtC), again at about level 56 (BtA) and again at around level 106 (unbound). Maybe holy burst is at crafting level 38 (BtC), 88 (BtA) and 138 (unbound).
This allows new players to get a benefit for using crafting and not be at a disadvantage to those who choose to sell equipment, and allows longer term players to get the greater benefit of twinking new characters then ultimately being able to make whatever unbound item they choose. It also would make crafting viable for perma-deathers. I would guess they will generally not find much use for the system as-is, and they don’t twink new characters anyway as I understand it, so being BtC is not a problem.