It's Vorpal long sword of Righteousness, actually.
Bodyfeeder is not a possible upgrade on Blade of Fury, since it comes from Bloody Cleaver which too is a Fusible.
Here is what I decided (keep in mind, I solo a lot):
1. When soloing stick with Blade of Fury for maximum DPS. Get Improved Critical Slashing for respectable 17-20 crit range. Upgrade in Cauldron of Sora Katra, but it is not high priority. When soloing, it is important for me to make enemies stop hitting me, so I think Crippling beats Vampiric for me. Do not bite off more than I can chew -- avoid undead and other mobs immune to CON drain.
2. When in a party, mostly use Vorpal; against some mobs such as devils, Vorpal is clearly better choice even when NOT in a party.
3. Make Acid/Acid GS longsword for Summon Elemental clickie. Use it against undead.
4. Hit the red-named boss with Song of Capering, then hope all my charmed minions will take him down. I rarely have shortage of those!
Are you aware than Improved Destruction is bugged?
It is supposed to lower target's AC by -8; instead it lowers it by -4, but stacks with regular Destruction. To get full -8 effect you need both. My main (AA 18) has TWF set for just that purpose: Rocksplitter + short sword of Improved Destruction (with Icy Burst and Force Critical rituals -- don't ask!). Sensate already has a Rocksplitter.
Speaking of Rocksplitters, what breaks DR on medusas and greenhags? Is it just DR/Adamantine, or DR/Adamantine + something else?