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  1. #1
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Default A Quick Question or two...

    A simple question, my search fu is weak this morning

    Can you deconstruct an item back to its base item once crafted?

    I.e Can I get a +1 Silver Longsword, deconstruct to a silver Longsword then craft it initially with say +1 and Holy. Then later on, deconstruct it back down to a silver longsword and recraft it with say +3 Holy and Evil Outsider Bane?

    If this is possible, does the resultant base item stay Bound to Character?

    And how does binding an item to you in the Stone of Change affect this process?

    Essentially, if I'm going to invest in the crafting system, I think I'd like to hoard some useful base item to work with repeatedly through a characters life so that his equipment truly grows as he does
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  2. #2
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    A simple question, my search fu is weak this morning

    Can you deconstruct an item back to its base item once crafted?
    Yes you can

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    I.e Can I get a +1 Silver Longsword, deconstruct to a silver Longsword then craft it initially with say +1 and Holy. Then later on, deconstruct it back down to a silver longsword and recraft it with say +3 Holy and Evil Outsider Bane?
    Yes you can

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    If this is possible, does the resultant base item stay Bound to Character?
    I believe it removes the Bound, I would need to go back in the game, I have crafting a weapon, and goofed so I disjunction it again, but I really never looked to see if it stayed Bound or not. My Guess it's a Not, well not the Blank if you add shards to it again it will become Bound to you again

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    And how does binding an item to you in the Stone of Change affect this process?

    Essentially, if I'm going to invest in the crafting system, I think I'd like to hoard some useful base item to work with repeatedly through a characters life so that his equipment truly grows as he does
    I haven't tried any thing I have Attuned (Bound) in any of the crafting devices, So I could not answer your last question without just guessing.

    So my guess is.
    If the item you had Attuned was loot reward and not a named item, you should be able to make a Blank out of it

  3. #3
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simsiim View Post
    Yes you can

    Yes you can

    I believe it removes the Bound, I would need to go back in the game, I have crafting a weapon, and goofed so I disjunction it again, but I really never looked to see if it stayed Bound or not. My Guess it's a Not, well not the Blank if you add shards to it again it will become Bound to you again

    I haven't tried any thing I have Attuned (Bound) in any of the crafting devices, So I could not answer your last question without just guessing.

    So my guess is.
    If the item you had Attuned was loot reward and not a named item, you should be able to make a Blank out of it
    Great stuff, thanks for that!

    So the last question is can a random loot item that is Attunded(Bound) be deconstructed, and what happens to its Attuned status and any Alchemical Rituals applied to the item?
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  4. #4
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    can you get in Lamannia ?
    I'd say just do a short quest where you know your getting a item that is not named, Or just go to a Broker, then go to the stone and Attune it, then dash over to the Crafting Hall and see if you can use the deconstruction device.
    I would do it, but it's bed time for me, sleep time was actually started, but I'm still here.
    I'm sure a lil later or soon someone can answer it for ya

  5. #5
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    okay, this is what I did
    I went to the Broker and bought a belt,
    dashed over to the Stone of Change and Bound & Attuned it .Thats All I did with it at the stone.
    Then I went to the Crafting Hall, went to Disjunction, the Bound & Attune stays.

    Since I didn't do any other Rituals, I still don't have an answer if the other Rituals added to it stays or goes, but it does stay Bound and Attune. I'll show Before and after Images of the belt of what I did after I log off game

  6. #6
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simsiim View Post
    okay, this is what I did
    I went to the Broker and bought a belt,
    dashed over to the Stone of Change and Bound & Attuned it .Thats All I did with it at the stone.
    Then I went to the Crafting Hall, went to Disjunction, the Bound & Attune stays.

    Since I didn't do any other Rituals, I still don't have an answer if the other Rituals added to it stays or goes, but it does stay Bound and Attune. I'll show Before and after Images of the belt of what I did after I log off game
    Okay here is the Image of the Item at each step I took [IMAGE]

  7. #7
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Excellent stuff!

    Would +1 you again for the help but need to spread it around

    So, now we know the basic Binding and Attuning ritual stays after deconstruction, the last test is to craft a shard onto it then deconstruct it again and see the effects on the Binding and Attuning ritual.

    If it does, then that answers the question: We can find a nice skinned/looking weapon/armour with a good base material, bind it to prevent permanent damage to it and then craft onto it as we level up, deconstructing and recrafting as we level up to improve its features.

    Thats awesome
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  8. #8
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    Good info, +1 for you both
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  9. #9
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    I just checked to see if the Alchemical Ritual stays or goes from Disjunction.
    it goes but Bound and Attuned still stays

    [ Image of results ]

    Will need to be careful if your a poor, On Lamannia I have no way to obtain the Soul gems to do a Adamantine Ritual, But I am going to guess that it would be removed as well.
    I'm not sure if the Bound and Attuned staying is WAI or not, there is a Bound bug, where if items that were BtA stay BtA and not become BtC. This could be the same thing with the Bound and Attune. Would need a Dev to confirm that Bound and Attune staying after Disjunction is WAI

  10. #10
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Posted some of this sort of stuff here if that helps anyone

  11. #11
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kittikatgurl View Post

    Posted some of this sort of stuff here if that helps anyone
    Cheers Kitti, much appreciated. Seen some of your other work, very useful and have a +1
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  12. #12
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simsiim View Post
    Okay here is the Image of the Item at each step I took [IMAGE]
    Did you notice that the belt's durability, after it was "disjuncted" (is that even a word? ) also dropped from 20 to 10?

    Maybe that's from losing the +1 enhancement but I'd want to test it further...
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    I.e Can I get a +1 Silver Longsword, deconstruct to a silver Longsword then craft it initially with say +1 and Holy. Then later on, deconstruct it back down to a silver longsword and recraft it with say +3 Holy and Evil Outsider Bane?
    You don't actually have to deconstruct it there. Once it is craftable, you can replace the prefix or suffix just by adding a new shard. So you can go right from +1 Holy to +1 Holy EOB or +3 Holy and then to +3 Holy EOB.

  14. #14
    Community Member kittikatgurl's Avatar
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    Found that out in the thread linked there, pretty interesting. Someone went one step further and tested it. Looks like deconstructing removes the plus, hence dropping durability, crafting on it raises the durability back up again.

  15. #15
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    Did you notice that the belt's durability, after it was "disjuncted" (is that even a word? ) also dropped from 20 to 10?

    Maybe that's from losing the +1 enhancement but I'd want to test it further...
    Quote Originally Posted by kittikatgurl View Post
    Found that out in the thread linked there, pretty interesting. Someone went one step further and tested it. Looks like deconstructing removes the plus, hence dropping durability, crafting on it raises the durability back up again.
    yes, that will happen with everything since your removing all of it's magical Properties to it's very Base Value.
    You will not need to buy a high ML: Item to disjunction. since a Starting ML 16 disjunction will become no different then a ML 2 Disjunction Item with same metal properties. Only difference you may want to look for is Metal properties and Guild slots .
    So once you start adding the Shards, the Durability and Hardness will increase as the ML Increases. In a sense you really lose nothing.
    Last edited by simsiim; 04-25-2011 at 12:05 AM.

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