Eureka! I just thought of a very easy revision to the current system that will make it work for new players and vets!
The Idea:
This is just a revision to the current system not a complete over haul! A lot of it is good, but the shard levels are prohibitive to low level toons trying to make a simple item at level. I suggest that Shards should have no level and that Crafting level should be determined by the power of and number of enchantments needed to create the Actual Item.
The current system uses Crafting level to determine chance of success at crafting Shards. I am saying shard crafting should not have a level, so any level of toon can make any shard. I think most of the recipe costs are fine, as is, only minor tweaking would be needed as recipes are already cost tiered to their power level anyway. Basically, I'm saying Shard crafting level is irrelevant, the costs to create a shard already have a prohibiting factor.
My idea is to have Crafting the Actual Item require a crafting level, the level would be determined by what the Minimum level the effect would apply to an item; and by using a tier based system, it would allow for Low levels to create Single effect items, Mid levels to create Double effect items, and High levels to create Triple effect items. And to make the most powerful items you would still need the extremely high crafting level in the 50-70's range.
the Math:
How about needing the level to create the ITEM instead of the SHARDS, crafting shards and items could/should both give xp. Shards would give xp based on the cost to craft, not the lvl of the shard, >cost = >reward. No lvl minimum to create shards just ingredients. Cost of shards based on the strength of enchantment +1<+2<.., Maining<Flaming<Holy.
The progression of costs would be similar to the lvl requirements that the bonuses apply to items in game; shard enchantment cost = base cost(to be determined) x min lvl of bonus in game. Ergo, Flaming= base cost x 2; Holy= base cost x 4; +5= base cost x 8
As for item crafting Levels:
Levels 1-?= First tier items, single enchantment (lvl required based on strength of enchantment +1<+2<.., Maining<Flaming<Holy). ex. flaming=lvl2; holy=lvl4; +5=lvl8
Levels ?-??= Tier 2 items, the combination of any 2, (+,prefix or suffix) lvl based on strength of combined enchantments 2(x+y)=lvl. ex. +2 flaming=lvl8; holy of pure good =lvl12; +5 holy=lvl24
Levels ??-???= 3rd tier, the combination of the 3, (+,prefix and suffix) lvl based on strength of combined enchantments 3(x+y+z)=lvl. ex. +2 flaming maiming=lvl15; +1 holy of pure good =lvl21; +5 holy of greater-bane=lvl60
I'm sorry if this would be mean a re-code of your current system if implemented, but I think it would be worth it in the end as being more viable to all players Beginner, Vet and Founder!