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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2011

    Default Tr-ing soon, some advice needed

    Greetings community, I'm going to do my first TR soon, from rogue acrobat2 kensai1 13/6/1barb to pure rogue acrobat.

    I need some help with feats and race, since I'm not sure what would be mathematically best

    on feats: mandatory as I see them: toughness, PA, THF line.
    I see 3 more feats that fit in: rogue PL, quick draw, IC:blunt and only 2 more feats slot to fit them in, and I don't know which two of those are the biggest benefit.

    as for race, albeit I have access to them all (vip), I want to be able to keep playing in case a drop down to premium, so my choice is between halfling and human

    stats/enhancements that would differ would be:

    as halfling
    -2str for +2 dex from racial (-1to hit -1damage, +1SA damage from acrobat)
    +1 to hit from racial
    +1 all saves

    +3 to hit while flanking (cunning III)
    +6SA damage (guile III)
    skill boost I

    as human
    -2 str for +2dex from racial
    +1 feat (so the "third choice" between the 3 mentioned above)
    -2 int for +1 con (and +3tome instead of +2) for +20hp

    enhancements: 13 points to juggle and honestly a lot of goodies so unsure about what to pick
    improved recovery
    toughness III if going for con on adaptibility

    currently I have 2 versions in mind:
    versality III (6AP) for +4 to skills/damage/attack/saves depending on situation
    adaptability str I (2AP)
    imp recovery I (2AP)
    sneak attack accuracy III (3AP)

    adaptability con I and toughness III instead of str I and accuracy III for +30 hp at -1damage -2 tohit

    disregarding the options (enh are easy to respec), it would be -3tohit -6SA damage for 10% healing amp a +4boost to *whatever is needed* that stack with haste boost and either 30hp or the 1damage 2 to hit of above.

    So, uhm, what would be better? halfling with 1 less feat (and which one?) less hp more SA damage or human with more hp 10% more healing amp and that tasty boost?

    Share your opinions, thanks

    can post the builds if requested.

    Tomes that will be used are: +3str, +2 dex, +2con (can be+3), int+2, wis+1(9starting), cha+1(11starting->UMD)

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    If your planning a second TR you might save the +3 tomes until then

    Beware the Sleepeater

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