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  1. #1
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Default Change the SP cost for Soundburst

    It doesn't make sense that sound burst costs 15 SP while shout costs 8 SP and greater shout costs 15 SP.

    Bards pay the same cost for very similar stun effect and much less damage. I'm sure clerics and fvs's won't mind a cost reduction either if they choose to use it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
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  2. #2
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    Too funny...I was just thinking that we had talked about this in the bard thread but that it might have easily gotten I was going to create a thread about it.

    Glad I looked at the threads before I did.

    Soundburst definitely doesn't deserve to be a 15sp cost.

    Sonic Blast: Lvl 1. 4sp. Does up to 5d2+10 damage and (potentially) stuns one enemy

    Soundburst: Lvl 2. 15sp. Does 1d8 damage and (potentially) stuns all enemies in a circular area.

    Shout: Lvl 4. 8sp. Does 5d3+15 damage in a cone originating from caster.

    Greater Shout: Lvl 6. 15sp. Does 5d6+30 damage in a cone originating from caster and (potentially) stuns all enemies in the cone.'s wacky that such a cruddy spell like Soundburst would be equated with Greater Shout in cost. (And since all the wizzies and sorcs seem to be petitioning to get an elemental spell at each level for them, how about we get a lvl 3 and a lvl 5 sonic spell? That would be really nice for caster bards)

    I really wish that they would look into this. Although, they are giving us the spell swap potion, so I guess I'll be able to pick up some other 2nd lvl spell like Daze Monster...since at least it's cheap to cast.


  3. #3
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    I would have trouble finding room to fit in a level 3 sonic spell.

    I think the dev team was looking it sound burst as a cleric/fvs CC spell and sonic blast, shout, greater shout as wiz/sorc damage spells and kind of forgot about us. D'oh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    a powerful ally able to play in any role that the group needs

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aashrym View Post
    I would have trouble finding room to fit in a level 3 sonic spell.

    I think the dev team was looking it sound burst as a cleric/fvs CC spell and sonic blast, shout, greater shout as wiz/sorc damage spells and kind of forgot about us. D'oh.
    Yep...I definitely feel forgotten in much of this update.

    And you're probably right about Soundburst not being looked at as a sonic spell but as a cleric/fvs CC spell. saw my spell list (for one of my bards) in the other thread. There are definitely some changes I could make at lvl 3 (like why carry remove curse as a spell? Easier to carry a wand I could swap it for CSW, but then my husband might think that character would heal him more often. Hah! She's a caster bard, not a healing bard).

    And since charms don't work well for mine and my husband's play style, I would swap out Mass Suggestion for a lvl 5 sonic spell in a heartbeat!

  5. #5
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    I must say that this spell is quite powerful CC in low levels.

    But you are right: Cost supposed to be a little lower, like 12 or 10 SP.

    Maybe it is CC but it's do so little damage...
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  6. #6
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requiro View Post
    I must say that this spell is quite powerful CC in low levels.

    But you are right: Cost supposed to be a little lower, like 12 or 10 SP.

    Maybe it is CC but it's do so little damage...
    Yup, that's the whole point of the issue. It costs the same as greater shout (which costs the same for bards and wizards/sorcs now, which also makes no sense considering the base DC on the spell make the bard version less impacting) with the same stun effect and is an AoE but 1/10th (roughly) of the damage.

    6 SP fits within the level and abilities nicely. Compare it to sonic blast and the difference is sonic blast is single target with more damage and sound burst is aoe with lousy damage.

    Add heighten and sound burst costs a lot more than greater shout for the same effect and fraction of the damage. If I want to CC low levels I can handle that with with spells that have much longer effect.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    a powerful ally able to play in any role that the group needs

  7. #7
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    I agree. Thanks for pointing it out.

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