Gotta say after reading all the developements here on lammaland since U9 went up, I'm kinda Meh about the whole thing.
Sure, the crafting is cool and I'll likely stick around for it... but the amount of drama and garbage over the spell pass has left me completely... blah.
Sorcs DPS was absurdly sub par to begin with. Seems the fix to this was for the devs to reduce the SP costs on un-meta'ed spells, and call it a day. That doesnt fix anything. It just allows me to do sub par damage, longer.
I'm losing AP AND elemental damage and gaining nothing in return. If I take the PrE lines I'm losing more damage, and gaining a little in return, but for my chosen element, fire, half the end game ****, and every important raid boss is immune anyway.
But, when I'm outta mana, I can pewpew some spells, kinda slowly, balanced very carefully!! to be sure I dont do too much damage! And lets increase the cooldowns of those SLAs to be sure I'm not really too effective.
Sucks to have the SLA cooldowns increased so that on the rare ocassion I'm an idiot and run out of SP, that I dont accidently do something effective.
Oh and lets not forget one of the extremely minor benefits the sorc has over the wizard anymore - cooldowns. Now for just about any non-DPS spell, my cooldown is barely any better than the wizard's is. Whee.
Yeah, I'm kinda ranting. Maybe whining a bit. But my mood sucks, and reading about the latest changes this morning sucked my mood further down.
I wanted to be excited about Fire Savant. I truly, honestly did.
I'm just not seeing it as being worth it. One of the only useful things about the PrE just got nerfed into not stacking. Whee. Now I can increase my mediocre DPS by 15% more. My sorc capstone did that at 20% and it still was utterly unimpressive.
When a barbarian can crit for 800 damage, and have the HP to take a few hits, and NEVER run out of those 800 damage hits, and I'm pewpewing for 200 a pop, then run out of SP...
I dont want bars nerfed. I want to do a HELL of a lot more damage than the **** barb until I run outta SP.