You mean this: 5-creepy-ways-video-games-are-trying-to-get-you-addicted ???
You mean this: 5-creepy-ways-video-games-are-trying-to-get-you-addicted ???
Naggesh-Drow Wiz PM TR--Borax DethAxe-Dwarf Rng/Mnk/Fgt--Accomplice of the Sorcerer-WF Arti TR --Ombrah the Outcast-BF Pali--Luxxs Interior-Human Bard WC--Xeak the Dirty-1/2ling Rog Assassin--Poli Styrene-Human Arti
Could be.
I recall another one about a guy who managed to kick the MMO habit - or he claimed.
The fun thing about DDO is, quests tend to be faster and action quite hectic; I often feel so charged up after playing, I need to pump some irons to release tension a bit - with moderation, I'm not that much of a man of action...
Maybe the closest thing to a typical MMO time sink in DDO used to be checking AH/brokers for bargains.
By comparison, I tried some LoTRO too: the place is quite expansive, but you could fall asleep harvesting/processing resources, and your character could go on mostly unattended while you thoroughly checked the insides of your eyelids for cracks...
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
It's going to be useful for clickies, since they remain useful, and the caster boost clickies (say ardor) can be put on weapons with MLs net lower than you can get, since there's ALWAYS some useless +2 or something to pointlessly bump the ML of the effect (i.e. Superior Ardor VI seems to always come on at least a +2 or 3 weapon).
Other than that, you'll make weapons and items that are like GS (tho not quite as powerful), and higher ML. Same grind, and same level required to really be able to farm the mass amounts of plat/stuff you'll need.
Darkrune TRx2 lvl 20 FvS, Darkdivinity lvl 20 cleric, Darkaxe lvl 20 fighter, Darktune TRx1 lvl 4bard, Darkbow lvl 20 AA Ranger, Darksoldier TRx1 lvl 20 Barb, Darkspells TRx2 lvl 20 Wizard, Darkbattle TRx1 lvl 20 artificer, Darktemper lvl 17 Ranger, Darkfists TRx1 lvl 20 Monk, Darkherald lvl 5 paladin Guild Leader of No Politics Thelanis Server
I'll stop running ShantoKor for the end-reward items which were bound to account and random. That was going to be my one and only way to have a dedicated crafter character for my account