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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Why does Bound Item Device only show me level 1?

    Why does the Bound Item Device only show me "level 1"? Each time I try to change it it resets back to "1 to 1"

    Is this WAI and therefore I am confused about how to use the device?

    Ok, so I decided to revisit my original "noob" dream to make Full Plate+5. I grabbed a +5 from the AH to strip the spirit (realizing this time it would destroy the item in the process, so I nabbed another +1 to get a blank.)

    I put my "Full Plate" in the Bound Items device and didnt see any enhancement recipes to make it +5. Knowing more about crafting now than I did the first time I tromped on over to the Shard Device and put the +5 Spirit in to see what was needed to make a +5 enhancement shard... I need to be Arcane Crafting Level 70. Well, that sounds like it will be awhile, and I will wonder later about needing to go all the way to 70 for +5, but I didn't exactly expect to be able to craft a +5 armor right out of the box.

    My question is: Why couldn't I get some more information from the Bound Items device about my available options with Full Plate so I could know what to shoot for in the future? I assume I will use that device to combine my shard with my armor,right?

    My arcane level is something probably around 20..if that's relevant.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cheswick's Avatar
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    Dropping a set of armor or a weapon into the bound items device should give a list of possibilities for crafting recipes. Granted, the list will be quite long for a blank piece of craftable armor. All bound items recipes are level 1. There is no crafting skill required to assemble the final crafted item. The only skill required is during the crafting of shards. This is also the only place you can gain experience in crafting.

    If you want some help and I am on, look for Brantwin on Lamannia.

    +5 is going to take you a long time. The higher levels of arcane require a boatload of essence to craft . I would just play with some other interesting effects rather than honing in on just one desired item. A plain +5 Fullplate is probably better purchased on the auction house than grinding the crafting levels to create .

    Good luck. Have fun

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheswick View Post
    Dropping a set of armor or a weapon into the bound items device should give a list of possibilities for crafting recipes. Granted, the list will be quite long for a blank piece of craftable armor. All bound items recipes are level 1. There is no crafting skill required to assemble the final crafted item. The only skill required is during the crafting of shards. This is also the only place you can gain experience in crafting.

    If you want some help and I am on, look for Brantwin on Lamannia.

    +5 is going to take you a long time. The higher levels of arcane require a boatload of essence to craft . I would just play with some other interesting effects rather than honing in on just one desired item. A plain +5 Fullplate is probably better purchased on the auction house than grinding the crafting levels to create .

    Good luck. Have fun
    Then is the fact that I place the Full Plate blank on the device and am only shown about 5 recipes a bug?

    If all item recipes are level 1, then should there even be a level box, ideally, if its not relevant?

    I understand +5 will take a long time, and I'm playing around with other crafting features right now, that was just my very first "pet project" - a way I could start out crafting as if I were a completely uninformed DDO melee and was just told about crafting - I might be curious to see "hey what would it take to make me a nice set of +5 armor?"?

    There will be a lot of DDO'ers that won't have the benefit of Lama preview and are going to be trying all sorts of things...they likely won't be trying the same things the more experienced and resourced lamma previewers try... There are going to be a lot of complaints about items being destroyed when they first try the knife potions, etc...

    I'm just starting to get the hang of this and have a lot to learn myself..

  4. #4
    Community Member Lyetisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    Then is the fact that I place the Full Plate blank on the device and am only shown about 5 recipes a bug?

    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    If all item recipes are level 1, then should there even be a level box, ideally, if its not relevant?
    Currently it's completely relevant. We have no idea if there are future plans to require any sort of leveling to create items. As it stands now, all recipes to combine enhancement and prefix/suffix shards are level one.

    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    There will be a lot of DDO'ers that won't have the benefit of Lama preview and are going to be trying all sorts of things...
    Funny thing is, there were quite a few people who were challenging me about the <50% auto-failure remark constantly who had failed to do one simple thing: Talk to the Crafting NPC. That's the first thing I did.

    I think it would be a good suggestion to have Maker be a quest giver. You zone in, you get a quest to go talk to the Crafting NPC. You get some plat. Learn to craft. =D

  5. #5
    Community Member simsiim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    Then is the fact that I place the Full Plate blank on the device and am only shown about 5 recipes a bug?

    If all item recipes are level 1, then should there even be a level box, ideally, if its not relevant?

    I understand +5 will take a long time, and I'm playing around with other crafting features right now, that was just my very first "pet project" - a way I could start out crafting as if I were a completely uninformed DDO melee and was just told about crafting - I might be curious to see "hey what would it take to make me a nice set of +5 armor?"?

    There will be a lot of DDO'ers that won't have the benefit of Lama preview and are going to be trying all sorts of things...they likely won't be trying the same things the more experienced and resourced lamma previewers try... There are going to be a lot of complaints about items being destroyed when they first try the knife potions, etc...

    I'm just starting to get the hang of this and have a lot to learn myself..
    I would think that is a Bug, I never placed a Full plate, but only Studded and Brestplate and Brigandine armor in the Item Device, and I have seen a couple pages of choices

    I would have to go with the same answer as Lyetisha gave
    Currently it's completely relevant. We have no idea if there are future plans to require any sort of leveling to create items. As it stands now, all recipes to combine enhancement and prefix/suffix shards are level one.
    A suggestion I may make, due to it was a lesson I learned yesterday, save to do the + 1or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 Enhancement for last, Unless your already lvl 20. Specially if your after mainly the benefit of the Suffix or Prefix your adding in . It is possible to craft some really nice armor, but the ML on it could be higher then what you can use. So just save the +Enhancement for last.

    there are actually guides already out there for crafting, which are just based with what's currently available. So I suspect those that research via the forums or Search engine may be less frustrated or gaining a head start then those that just jump in the crafting .
    I found it was not too hard to understand how the system works just by talking to the NPC's first, that was probably about 70% of how I learned about crafting, the other 30% was from just doing it,

    I too still have a lot to learn about the crafting, I'm still struggling knowing which is a Prefix and which is a Suffix, I'm sure if I read up on them I would understand how to spot which is what

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