Quote Originally Posted by Vaardalia View Post
**-snip** Right now with gear / enchantments, I am running at 22 Str 24 Dex 22 Con 24 Int 22 Wis and 24 Char, with a + 39 to hit self buff first swing and 174 HP + 33 from songs and GH. I like the spellsinger because the songs replenish SP and I can buff my whole group and still have SP for backup healing and keeping haste up more often. Basically I am trying to cross that thin line of hybrid you're not suppose to in DDO. So far I am loving the feedback and ideas! > <
Anybody who tries to do something different is worth helping.

Ok- lets look at the stuff you could adjust: Feats & Enhancements, given these stats.
This is what you have now:
Maximize Spell
Extend Spell
Improve Dual-Wield
Greater Dual-Wield
*Weapon Proficiency: Kopesh
*Oversized Two Weapon Fighting

Other than the last 2, all are essential to the concept of a dual wielder/heal-buffer. If you were to give them up, you could perfectly well use a Rapier/Shortsword combo for pierce, or Scimitar/kukri say for slash. Remember- your offhand is carrying the Song Damage, so it's going to hit hard even without a big weapon.
With Master's Touch, you can use any Martial weapon anyhow. At 13 level, a paralyser is very nice to use along with Fascinate. My Spellcaster bard relies on Sneak Attack & Seeker bonuses to get her DPS up to a better level.

Where are you weak? Well, Hitpoints instantly jump out. For a casting bard, that level at 13 is not bad. For a melee based bard, it's low. If you were to take Toughness as a Feat, plus the enhancement line it would make a significant difference.

If you are going to Item-cast heals, You need to put AP in the enhancement line Wand & Scroll Mastery.

That leaves just one feat.
If you want to hit stuff, take IC:Slash-or-Pierce - so you can get frequent Bursting effects/ other On Crit-only to go off.
If you want to spellcast-heals, consider Quicken.

Once Mod 9 comes along, we may be able to get around high DC's with debuffs. As it stands, spells like Mind Fog have a Will Save, in order to *lower the Will Save*. Kind of headsmacking. Once there's no save for debuffs, we can look at a debuff stack, and then possibly CC. I can't say that your standing build will be able to be effective or not- numbers aren't finalized yet- but it may prove viable in the future for a wider range of options.