Just curious if the hirelings have been given this new feat.
Just curious if the hirelings have been given this new feat.
They haveomething like this. When a healer hireling runs out of SP entirely, they will continue casting their lowest level cure spell on you until you are at half health. I'm fairly certain I've watched this happen on Live, and I know I had it happen on Lamannia.
hireling clerics dont have radient servant yet, odds on them getting anything newer are next to 0
Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun
We demand equal rights for Hirelings!
Hirelings are people too!!
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Sarlona: Facerollnuds(23Sor) - Bonknuds(17Clr/3Mnk) - Rushnuds(20FvS) - Tasteslike(20Sor)
Squishynuds(13Wiz) - and 100 other mules/gimps :P
[Solo Guild - Team Nuds] Feel free to blacklist/friend/whatever.