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    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Default Warcrye - A Bard with some fight in her

    Edit (May 3, 2012):This build is a great Bard for melee purpose. Probably not for much else however. The gear is out of date and the toon in question is TR'd into another Bard Build awaiting the enhancements update in August sometime. The build is still very viable and easy to use though.

    So I got a couple PMs and Tells about my Bard's build and figured I would throw it up on the forums for you all to rip apart and troll

    Just a fast build that I might expand on later:
    Warcrye Ketsukoro
    Female Half Elf
    14 Bard/4 Fighter/2 Barbarian

    32 point start (at 36, put one more in CON and CHA)
    Str - 16 (5 lvls + 3 tome + 7 item + 3 Abashai + 2 Ship + 2 Yugo ) = 38 STR
    Dex - 8
    Con - 16 (3 tome + 7 item + 1 Litany + 2 Ship + 2 Yugo) = 31 CON
    Int - 8
    Wis - 8
    Cha - 16 (3 tome + 7 item + 1 Litany + 2 Ship + 2 Yugo) = 31 CHA

    Skills to Max - UMD, Haggle, Perform, Intimidate

    1-2 - Bard
    3-4 - Barbarian
    5-14 - Bard
    15-18 - Fighter
    19-20 - Bard

    Feats (In Order):
    1 - Toughness, Paladin Dilettante (Racial Bonus)
    3 - WF: Slash
    6 - Toughness
    9 - Extend
    12 - PA
    15 - Toughness, iCrit: Slash (FTR)
    16 - Quickdraw (FTR)
    18 - Toughness, WS: Slash (FTR)

    *thought about taking up to Improved THF and dropping the 4th toughness and FoP, but meh*

    I focus on buffing first, then Healing and CC depending on what's available.

    1 - Focusing Chant
    2 - Hypnotize
    5 - CLW
    6 - Rage, Blur
    7 - GREASE, Invis
    9 - CMW, HJASTE!!!, Displacement
    10 - Good Hope
    12 - CSW, DDoor, FoM
    13 - CCW
    19 - Discoball, GH, Shadow Walk
    20 - Greater Dispel

    Dream Gear:

    Head: Epic Frost Helm w/ GFL Slotted
    Goggles: Tharne's/GS HP w/ Guard
    Necklace: Kyosho's
    Cloak: Epic Envenomed w/ Toughness
    Bracers: Claw Bracers
    Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets
    Belt: Ravager
    Boots: GS Conc-Opp, +5 CHA skills, SP/Anchoring/Madstone
    Ring1: Kyosho's w/ 20% Heal Amp
    Ring2: Ravager w/ +2 STR
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead/Greater Bold Trinket (once it gets fixed, it might add nice DPS)
    Armor: Epic Mari Chain
    Weapons: Epic SoS/Epic Antique Greataxe/Lit2 Falchion


    Play it like a Barbarian who can self haste/displace, slightly heal (kinda) in a pinch, and sing!

    You can go HOrc on this too, I just didn't yet. :P

    Why I chose this split:

    I agonized over this build the entire time I was leveling. Without a big mana pool or any healing enhancements or feats, going for 16/2/2 didn't make a whole lot of sense. also, with the way I run and the groups I run in, there's not really ever a need for a Healing Bard. If there is, people in my guild already have one, or we know someone who does.

    As for the differences between Kensei 1 or 4 Ftr/2 Barb:

    It comes down to AP and efficiency really.

    Kensei Route

    With Kensei 1, and going THF, you get +1 to-hit, +2 damage and +4 Seeker damage with ONE weapon type. Which is nice, but unless you're ONLY gonna use eSoS ALL the time, or have no other weapons to use....

    Also, you're taking up 11 AP between Attack Boost 2, Crit Accuracy 2, Kensei 1 and Kensei Weapon Spec 1.

    9 AP is pretty expensive for getting better with a single weapon type.

    The resulting AP Spread would look something like the following:
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song III
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song IV
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter II
    Enhancement: Kensei Greatsword Mastery I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Bard Charisma I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    AP is very tight this route, and seeing as it's only Half Elf and not a HOrc, not being able to take more DPS AP is a big no-no. Fighter attack boost and Crit accuracy are meaningless on a build like this. Yes, you could drop out Lingering Song or any other song buffs, but you're still a Bard. Why nerf your songs?

    4 Fighter/2 Barbarian Route

    I'm not logged in atm to check my current AP setup, but it should look VERY similar to the following:

    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song III
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song IV
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter II
    Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante I
    Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante II
    Enhancement: Improved Paladin Dilettante III
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
    Just throwing this down first. Notice, I've been able to take Improved Dilly all the way through and still get all the same AP points from the Kensei split, as well as a few other points, including Racial Toughness.

    This split allows more HP overall (standing AND Raged), a +2 to-hit/dmg to all weapons, higher Saves, etc.

    What about HOrcs?

    See Below Post

    What about TRing into this?

    In Progress for 34/36 point.

    Thinking about taking mine through a Paladin Life for the DP clickie and then back to Warchanting Half Orc. Or I might just TR into the HOrc model and forget a 2nd TR (cuz they SUCK)

    I'll post details later.
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 05-03-2012 at 03:00 PM. Reason: Updated and Expanded
    Smrti on Khyber

  2. #2
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Half Orc Version *First Life, 32 point*

    *NOTE* +2 INT tome required at lvl 7 in order to max out UMD and Perform *NOTE*

    Condensed Planner Version:
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.2
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Warcrye Ketsukoro
    Level 20 True Neutral Half-Orc Female
    (4 Fighter \ 2 Barbarian \ 14 Bard) 
    Hit Points: 374
    Spell Points: 421 
    BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 9
    Will: 9
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             20                    29
    Dexterity             8                     8
    Constitution         16                    18
    Intelligence          6                     8
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             12                    14
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Modified Skills
    Skills             (Level 20)
    Balance                 16
    Bluff                    2
    Concentration            4
    Diplomacy                2
    Disable Device          n/a
    Haggle                  19
    Heal                    -1
    Hide                    -1
    Intimidate               6
    Jump                     9
    Listen                  -1
    Move Silently           -1
    Open Lock               n/a
    Perform                 25
    Repair                  -1
    Search                  -1
    Spot                    -1
    Swim                     9
    Tumble                   0
    Use Magic Device        25
    Level 1 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Spell (1): Focusing Chant
    Level 2 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Hypnotism
    Level 3 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 4 (Barbarian)
    Level 5 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds
    Level 6 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Spell (2): Blur
    Spell (2): Rage
    Level 7 (Bard)
    Spell (2): Invisibility
    Spell (1): Grease
    Level 8 (Bard)
    Level 9 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds
    Spell (3): Displacement
    Spell (3): Haste
    Level 10 (Bard)
    Spell (3): Good Hope
    Level 11 (Bard)
    Level 12 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds
    Spell (4): Dimension Door
    Spell (4): Freedom of Movement
    Level 13 (Bard)
    Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds
    Level 14 (Bard)
    Level 15 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 16 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow
    Level 17 (Fighter)
    Level 18 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 19 (Bard)
    Spell (4): Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    Spell (5): Greater Heroism
    Spell (5): Shadow Walk
    Level 20 (Bard)
    Spell (5): Greater Dispel Magic
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II
    Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery III
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song III
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song IV
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter II
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost II
    Enhancement: Orcish Extra Action Boost III
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Melee Damage II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack II
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Attack III
    Enhancement: Orcish Power Rage I
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength I
    Enhancement: Orcish Strength II
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Expanded Version:

    TN HOrc Female

    STR 20
    DEX 8
    CON 16
    INT 6
    WIS 8
    CHA 12

    Skills: Max out UMD and Perform, rest into Balance and Haggle (should end at 17 Ranks each after a +2 INT tome at 7)

    1-2 - Bard
    3-4 - Barbarian
    5-14 - Bard
    15-18 - Fighter
    19-20 - Bard

    Feats (In Order):
    1 - Toughness
    3 - WF: Slash
    6 - Toughness
    9 - Extend
    12 - PA
    15 - Toughness, iCrit: Slash (FTR)
    16 - Quickdraw (FTR)
    18 - Toughness, WS: Slash (FTR)

    I focus on buffing first, then Healing and CC depending on what's available.

    1 - Focusing Chant
    2 - Hypnotize
    5 - CLW
    6 - Rage, Blur
    7 - GREASE, Invis
    9 - CMW, HJASTE!!!, Displacement
    10 - Good Hope
    12 - CSW, DDoor, FoM
    13 - CCW
    19 - Discoball, GH, Shadow Walk
    20 - Greater Dispel

    Fighter Haste Boost II
    Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Barbarian Extra Rage I
    Barbarian Power Attack I
    Bard Extra Song II
    Bard Inspired Attack III
    Bard Inspired Bravery III
    Bard Inspired Damage III
    Bard Lingering Song IV
    Bard Warchanter II
    Orcish Extra Action Boost III
    Orcish Melee Damage II
    Orcish Power Attack III
    Orcish Power Rage I
    Orcish Strength II
    Racial Toughness II
    Fighter Toughness II

    Gear Listing:

    Same as OP
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 04-18-2011 at 10:31 PM. Reason: Updated and Expanded
    Smrti on Khyber

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Kareena's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I like it. Though I loved having my capped virtuoso endgame- when I get to this life on my TR I might end up doing a build very similar to this. Seems like it'd be very fun to level and one thing I didn't like about my virtuoso toon was the lack of dps- tho awesome crowd control/healing capabilities. (She rocks EVON6)

    I don't think this would be a very viable end game toon; but fun to level/play.

    The one thing i may have to change is putting in 2 levels of rogue instead; I like being able to get traps while leveling. The ingenious bonus makes a huge difference in xp gathered when you have to get over 4 mill.
    DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 - DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 w/ Gr Tome of Learning
    Divinejourny(Artificer Completionist- 21/21lives) - Dreamjourny(Sorc 4/13lives) - Deadlyjourny(Paladin T3) - Dancinjourny(Moncher T3) - Darkjourny(12Monk/7Fighter/1Arti T3) -a few other alts

  4. #4
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kareena View Post
    I like it. Though I loved having my capped virtuoso endgame- when I get to this life on my TR I might end up doing a build very similar to this. Seems like it'd be very fun to level and one thing I didn't like about my virtuoso toon was the lack of dps- tho awesome crowd control/healing capabilities. (She rocks EVON6)

    I don't think this would be a very viable end game toon; but fun to level/play.

    The one thing i may have to change is putting in 2 levels of rogue instead; I like being able to get traps while leveling. The ingenious bonus makes a huge difference in xp gathered when you have to get over 4 mill.
    I tried the rogue lvls and they are nice while lvling, but switched them out for Barb at cap. Much happier with it now that I can off/intimtank. Standing at over 500 HP unbuffed and VERY minimal gear (just a +6 CON item and GFL).

    As far as endgame, Elite Amrath/ToD and epics are no issue. Adds a huge chunk of damage between Inspire courage and Recklessness, as well as bringing plenty to the table. not as much as a fighter or Barb, but still putting up respectable numbers without being squishy and buffing everything is nice in every raid. Also, maxed Perform and UMD with a decent starting CHA makes for nice CC and no fail Heal Scrolls with a GH.
    Smrti on Khyber

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Kareena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blank_Zero View Post
    I tried the rogue lvls and they are nice while lvling, but switched them out for Barb at cap. Much happier with it now that I can off/intimtank. Standing at over 500 HP unbuffed and VERY minimal gear (just a +6 CON item and GFL).

    As far as endgame, Elite Amrath/ToD and epics are no issue. Adds a huge chunk of damage between Inspire courage and Recklessness, as well as bringing plenty to the table. not as much as a fighter or Barb, but still putting up respectable numbers without being squishy and buffing everything is nice in every raid. Also, maxed Perform and UMD with a decent starting CHA makes for nice CC and no fail Heal Scrolls with a GH.

    Thats good to know; it's always nice to get 1-2 tod runs in b/f the next tr lol. Curious; have you tried playing the bard role in an EVON6 on this toon? Are you still able to fascinate w/o much breakage? Or are you only able to be buffage/dps in epics? Also what's the perform skill sitting at end game?

    disclaimer: (buffs/dps are very important- not belittling them at all, just curious if 14 bard is enough to fascinate in epics)
    DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 - DJ's Bravery Streak to 20 w/ Gr Tome of Learning
    Divinejourny(Artificer Completionist- 21/21lives) - Dreamjourny(Sorc 4/13lives) - Deadlyjourny(Paladin T3) - Dancinjourny(Moncher T3) - Darkjourny(12Monk/7Fighter/1Arti T3) -a few other alts

  6. #6
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    u have too high charisma for my taste...i took 10 base and +1 tome on lvl 3 so i can cast spells, and i have cha +3 tome waitin on lvl 11. u still get high enough perform and umd to get what u want with items.

    I'm horc 34 point build and going for the similar build, but not yet decided on going for 16/2/2 for dance or 14/4/2 which is one feat and and fighter haste boost. i think dance is good for oh sh*t moments and can save your ass...

    My base stats were 20str, 8 dex, 17 con, int 7, 8 wis, and 10 cha. and i'm 34 point build and con +3 cha, +3 and +3 int tomes sitting in my bank atm.

  7. #7
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kareena View Post
    Thats good to know; it's always nice to get 1-2 tod runs in b/f the next tr lol. Curious; have you tried playing the bard role in an EVON6 on this toon? Are you still able to fascinate w/o much breakage? Or are you only able to be buffage/dps in epics? Also what's the perform skill sitting at end game?

    disclaimer: (buffs/dps are very important- not belittling them at all, just curious if 14 bard is enough to fascinate in epics)
    Buffage is awesome, but bring an SP item. I used Smedgar's Necklace at shrines to buff, then switched to Kyosho's/Cartouche

    Perform DC is still nice. I can hit the Trash in eVON6 pretty easy...Sitting at 44 Perform before GH and Focusing Chant. I'm only wearing a +11 Perform item and +2 CHA skills, so max right now with perfect gear and a +4 tome would be 58-ish? Add that to a d20 and you should do just fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by archell View Post
    u have too high charisma for my taste...i took 10 base and +1 tome on lvl 3 so i can cast spells, and i have cha +3 tome waitin on lvl 11. u still get high enough perform and umd to get what u want with items.

    I'm horc 34 point build and going for the similar build, but not yet decided on going for 16/2/2 for dance or 14/4/2 which is one feat and and fighter haste boost. i think dance is good for oh sh*t moments and can save your ass...

    My base stats were 20str, 8 dex, 17 con, int 7, 8 wis, and 10 cha. and i'm 34 point build and con +3 cha, +3 and +3 int tomes sitting in my bank atm.
    Agreed. I'm debating the TR to HOrc on this one (maybe throw in a Pally Life in between).

    I thought about the 16/2/2, but with 14/4/2, I pick up Haste Boost 2 and Weapon Specialization: Slashing (+2 damage/swing).

    A high CHA is really nice early on, but I suppose a respec could happen if you have the early twinkage or a Heart of Wood.

    On a 34 point, I'd look at (without previous tomes of course):

    At 36, I'd try:

    The higher CHA helps out your Perform for eVON6 (which is where most Bards get pigeonholed into the role) as well as provide more SP for all those pretty self-buffed Dispacements, and with FoP and Pally Dilly, gives +5 to Fort/Reflex saves and +7 to Will saves.
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 04-18-2011 at 05:24 AM.
    Smrti on Khyber

  8. #8
    Community Member maha0201's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blank_Zero View Post
    The higher CHA helps out your Perform for eVON6 (which is where most Bards get pigeonholed into the role) as well as provide more SP for all those pretty self-buffed Dispacements.
    for that in evon6 you use monk or fvs if you dont have evasion works like a charm
    Thelanis, Playing since 2009
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  9. #9
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maha0201 View Post
    for that in evon6 you use monk or fvs if you dont have evasion works like a charm
    Monks Fascinate now? 0.o?
    Smrti on Khyber

  10. #10
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Would you gain more by going 14/6 bard fighter with kensi i over barb?

    It looks ok, but FoP is no really needed with Freedom of Movement and Prot from Evil. I've never played with quickdraw but if you have the feats I could see it's use. You would get more dps out of the full THF chain and Rogue Dil

    1HE DIL: Rogue or choose HOrc as race.
    1 toughness
    3 THF
    6 extend
    9 quickdraw or other feat.
    12 icrit
    15 iTHF
    18 gTHF

    1F PA
    2F WF
    4F WS

    Quote Originally Posted by Blank_Zero View Post
    Monks Fascinate now? 0.o?
    He was saying the tactic of sending an evasion toon in to get aggro before sending the bard. It's pretty much SOP on all runs I have been on. Edit: or maybe I miss understood.

  11. #11
    Community Member Nebuchanezzar's Avatar
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    First - Sending the beefy barb or super wiggly evasion character is my standard bard m.o. in Dragon raids. Sure Acting has a hair over 500hp but my piking side says let someone who likes aggro have it while I strum my lute right behind them.
    At least that's what I do, and I think they were implying the back to the build!!

    OMG Smirti, its such a gimp!! No wonder you had to drag it to level 20!! No way it would survive without dualboxing!!!

    lol, j/k man. Just wanted to poke a little fun at how fast you got him to cap running with some TRs =].

    I enjoy playing my melee bard and follow the style of *Yo bro, I'm a Barbarian who can sing man!!!* myself when I can. That gets easier at cap imo where you are doing 12 man content moreso.

    In epic 6man content though I play more like a fighter who can sing and don't rage as often.

    I agree 200% with skipping over the THF feats for the most part. I move a lot myself which basically negates their effectiveness. When(ok...if)I ever get an epic SoS my Dorf with be LRd into a THF instead of a TWF. That will free up some feats on the next go around.

    Is the plan to make him somewhat of a tank? Just curious about the Intimidate and 3 Toughness feats. I was thinking of sliding in some healing help for those(albeit rare)times when I have to save someone. Scrolls work but sometimes I have to bluebar someone up...

    I prefer to have Irresistible Dance over another Toughness or FoP myself but otherwise looks great. Looks like a bard I would build and play(and pretty close to what I had planned to LR into)

    GL and HF man. Hope to see you singing soon.

  12. #12
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valindria View Post
    Would you gain more by going 14/6 bard fighter with kensi i over barb?

    It looks ok, but FoP is no really needed with Freedom of Movement and Prot from Evil. I've never played with quickdraw but if you have the feats I could see it's use. You would get more dps out of the full THF chain and Rogue Dil

    1HE DIL: Rogue or choose HOrc as race.
    1 toughness
    3 THF
    6 extend
    9 quickdraw or other feat.
    12 icrit
    15 iTHF
    18 gTHF

    1F PA
    2F WF
    4F WS

    He was saying the tactic of sending an evasion toon in to get aggro before sending the bard. It's pretty much SOP on all runs I have been on. Edit: or maybe I miss understood.
    1. Not taking bard first is a silly idea, seeing as it's like Rogue with all the skill points wasted and such.

    2. I'll post the the differences between Kensei 1 and 4 Ftr/2 Barb into the OP

    3. Quickdraw = 4% more DPS. Why not?

    4. Rogue Dilly would have been taken, but it requires 13 Dex, which on THF is pretty much dumpstat, especially when it's on a non-evasion toon. I took Pally over Sorc/FvS because I have the UMD to no-fail Heal Scrolls already. +5 to ALL saves that stacks with GH and Resist +5 items is very sexy. This being said, I might drop FoP out (+7 to Willsave) and go for MOAR Toughness (or something else beneficial), but I haven't decided quite yet.

    5. THF chain is ok, but since moving around (I twitch) negates glancing blows, I don't use it much. That, and even if I am beefy for a Bard, my glancing blows aren't really all that great all buffed up (I have tried the feat chain, not worth it, imho).

    Quote Originally Posted by Nebuchanezzar View Post
    First - Sending the beefy barb or super wiggly evasion character is my standard bard m.o. in Dragon raids. Sure Acting has a hair over 500hp but my piking side says let someone who likes aggro have it while I strum my lute right behind them.
    At least that's what I do, and I think they were implying the back to the build!!

    OMG Smirti, its such a gimp!! No wonder you had to drag it to level 20!! No way it would survive without dualboxing!!!

    lol, j/k man. Just wanted to poke a little fun at how fast you got him to cap running with some TRs =].

    I enjoy playing my melee bard and follow the style of *Yo bro, I'm a Barbarian who can sing man!!!* myself when I can. That gets easier at cap imo where you are doing 12 man content moreso.

    In epic 6man content though I play more like a fighter who can sing and don't rage as often.

    I agree 200% with skipping over the THF feats for the most part. I move a lot myself which basically negates their effectiveness. When(ok...if)I ever get an epic SoS my Dorf with be LRd into a THF instead of a TWF. That will free up some feats on the next go around.

    Is the plan to make him somewhat of a tank? Just curious about the Intimidate and 3 Toughness feats. I was thinking of sliding in some healing help for those(albeit rare)times when I have to save someone. Scrolls work but sometimes I have to bluebar someone up...

    I prefer to have Irresistible Dance over another Toughness or FoP myself but otherwise looks great. Looks like a bard I would build and play(and pretty close to what I had planned to LR into)

    GL and HF man. Hope to see you singing soon.
    Ya, this guy would have capped sooner if Jen would have layed off on partying so much those couple weeks... After this one capped, I ran Smrti with him, then he went and capped Lacer again 4-5 days later (after it took almost 2 weeks before).

    I agree on the playstyle. In raids, he's a Barb. With actual healers and melee, I basically sing and add to the numbers. Occasionally, (If I'm not raged) I'll throw top-off scrolls and such. In Epics, there's a little less error room, so I fill in where necessary, which means pretty much the same thing in guild runs lol. I thought about that extra Healing, but carrying a Lit2 Falchion on a Bard kinda warns everyone that I'm NOT a Healing Bard

    As much fun as Dancing things is, losing that extra 2 fighter means losing 2 dmg/swing, more to-hit, and more chance of getting pigeon-holed as "Just another melee Bard". I looked long and hard at the Genghis that most will swear by, and modified it to suit my playstyle.

    Also, I hear you on that eSoS...Did you not look at my dreamgear list man? I'm NEVER gonna finish this guy now!!!
    Smrti on Khyber

  13. #13
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Updated OP. Made room for a Half Orc Version of the build to be added later.
    Smrti on Khyber

  14. #14
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blank_Zero View Post
    1. Not taking bard first is a silly idea, seeing as it's like Rogue with all the skill points wasted and such.

    1F = Level 1 Fighter feat
    2F = Level 2 Figher feat

    That did not mean take Fighter at level 1 and 2. I was just splitting them up for show. Level order and feat order could be changed for best perfomance.

    2. I'll post the the differences between Kensei 1 and 4 Ftr/2 Barb into the OP thanks

    3. Quickdraw = 4% more DPS. Why not? Can you explain? I am not sure I understand why 4% more. Is it just the lag on haste boost?

    4. Rogue Dilly would have been taken, but it requires 13 Dex, which on THF is pretty much dumpstat, especially when it's on a non-evasion toon. I took Pally over Sorc/FvS because I have the UMD to no-fail Heal Scrolls already. +5 to ALL saves that stacks with GH and Resist +5 items is very sexy. This being said, I might drop FoP out (+7 to Willsave) and go for MOAR Toughness (or something else beneficial), but I haven't decided quite yet.

    In that case you really would gain more from HOrc (or another race). Are saves really that much of an issue over ~+16 damage?

    5. THF chain is ok, but since moving around (I twitch) negates glancing blows, I don't use it much. That, and even if I am beefy for a Bard, my glancing blows aren't really all that great all buffed up (I have tried the feat chain, not worth it, imho).

    I don't have them on my THF Horc (pure bard). Some days I think it would be nice to have but they are a good thing to drop depending on what you want to do. I get ~13 on my GB (with no feats). With the full chain it would be around 30 on 3 out of 4 swings (so adding ~22.5 a swing). It's a personal preference. They do add damage and are nice if you want put your toon on auto attack (and check your email as a guildmate put it).
    in red

  15. #15
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valindria View Post
    Can you explain? I am not sure I understand why 4% more. Is it just the lag on haste boost?

    Quickdraw reduces the activation time of haste boost by about a full second. In play terms, its the difference between attacking after the plus sign, or during the plus sign. Not huge, but if you wanna squeeze out 4% more, its the easiest way.

    In that case you really would gain more from HOrc (or another race). Are saves really that much of an issue over ~+16 damage?

    Yes, HOrc gains a lot of dps, like I stated before, but I went half elf to start because the build was half formed when I made it to help out a buddy with his latest tr. Half Elf is something I don't play often and I felt like trying it out, and it worked VERY well for leveling. If and when I TR this one, it'll be a HOrc final life (34/36pt) because +16 damage is VERY sexy.

    I don't have them on my THF Horc (pure bard). Some days I think it would be nice to have but they are a good thing to drop depending on what you want to do. I get ~13 on my GB (with no feats). With the full chain it would be around 30 on 3 out of 4 swings (so adding ~22.5 a swing). It's a personal preference. They do add damage and are nice if you want put your toon on auto attack (and check your email as a guildmate put it)

    For the thf can fit, but I'd still prefer toughness, just to be beefier
    Couple things.

    Sorry if I misunderstood the 1f note lol.

    hope this helps!
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 04-19-2011 at 02:50 AM. Reason: reformatted.
    Smrti on Khyber

  16. #16
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Updated OP and Second Post with the HOrc version of the build.

    Should help anyone wanting to run the build.
    Smrti on Khyber

  17. #17
    Community Member MikeyMang's Avatar
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    Didn't read it all and didn't read any of the other comments, so forgive me if i'm just repeating something that was already said...

    But if you plan on putting a couple barb levels in ANY build, then you should have the barb PLF. Barbarian splash is OPd on any build with that PLF.
    Feminine(TR 20 Barb) | Trueist(TR 18/2 Clonk) | Eninimef(TRing 18/1/1 Ranger/Barb/Ftr) | Jerzey(20 Monk) | Posterior(20 Wizard) |
    Femjam(11/1/1 Bard/Barb/Ftr) | Truelife(11/1/1 Rogue/Barb/Ftr) | Colnbluth(TR 10 Sorc)
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  18. #18
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyMang View Post
    Didn't read it all and didn't read any of the other comments, so forgive me if i'm just repeating something that was already said...

    But if you plan on putting a couple barb levels in ANY build, then you should have the barb PLF. Barbarian splash is OPd on any build with that PLF.
    It could fit in where I have 1 of the FOUR toughness feats...but I think Pally might be better off as a PLF here for a couple reasons.

    1. Rage is an after thought on the build. Really only good during a bossfight and sometimes not even then. The build gets 6 minutes of Rage already, which is more than enough for any encounter (barring pugs where the Bard is top's happened)

    2. Barb PLF is still supposed to be nerfed. The Pally PLF is already WAI. This means, while the Barb PLF gives +4 STR/CON for 30 seconds, the Pally PLF gives ~12 minutes/shrine (with Extend) of +3 dmg/to-hit. Essentially, this is +6 STR.

    You could do both as well, but I hate TRing with a passion, so if I do go for it, I'll be getting the Pally PLF and that's all. No reason to waste time getting something that's scheduled for a nerf.
    Smrti on Khyber

  19. #19
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    I echo the comments someone else made about the 2 barb levels being swapped with rogue, but my argument would be that evasion is the real winner from that. Your paladin dilettante will give you decent enough saves to make evasion worthwhile and evasion is a better guarantor of survival than 12 additional hp (unraged).

    Furthermore you'll get another 6-9 damage per swing from doing so, and access to traps/open locks. I can see that you swapped the rogue levels out after having them, but I think there's a stronger argument for them staying.

    I agree entirely with your analysis of kensai 1 btw. I think four fighter levels is a nice sweetspot and kensai 1 is an ap and feat sink unless it leads to kensai 2.

  20. #20
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobster5 View Post
    I echo the comments someone else made about the 2 barb levels being swapped with rogue, but my argument would be that evasion is the real winner from that. Your paladin dilettante will give you decent enough saves to make evasion worthwhile and evasion is a better guarantor of survival than 12 additional hp (unraged).

    Furthermore you'll get another 6-9 damage per swing from doing so, and access to traps/open locks. I can see that you swapped the rogue levels out after having them, but I think there's a stronger argument for them staying.

    I agree entirely with your analysis of kensai 1 btw. I think four fighter levels is a nice sweetspot and kensai 1 is an ap and feat sink unless it leads to kensai 2.
    If I were going TWF on this build, I would agree with you

    However, seeing as I'm THF, Rage fits in nicely, as my STR modifier for damage is 1.5x, making Rage (to boost STR) more effective. Also, that raged health is very nice too =)

    I have an Evasion fighter as my main, and while I agree Evasion is very nice to have and I do have the saves for it (currently), when I go HOrc, this won't be the case anymore.

    I do more damage with the Barb lvls and have more HP. Trap skills are nice, but as a HOrc, I'll take ANOTHER ding to skill points, and already don't have enough :P

    As TWF, yes to Rogue lvls. As THF, yes to Barb lvls.

    I may update again in the future for a TWF version if enough desire occurs for one.
    Last edited by Blank_Zero; 04-21-2011 at 01:22 AM.
    Smrti on Khyber

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