My information is a little unclear so if I am incorrect on my information as to a spell swap every hour please disregard this suggestion developers. I would like to voice my displeasure as to a spell swap every hour change beyond a limited time frame. A limited time frame of perhaps two weeks of swapping a spell every hour make sense because it allows sorcs, bard, fvs, to try out the new spells. I am adamantly opposed to a time frame beyond limited for these classes for spell swaps because it diverges too far from D&D what this game is based on.
It should be a tough decision to decide on a wizard or a sorcerer in D&D and a part of this decision is the limited spell selection a sorcerer has. A few years ago a ranger use to be able to swap out their favored enemies every three days for raids due to the ease of swapping and their being little to no time restriction for swapping and now currently that no longer is the case. I think a sorcerer should have the same basic restriction of not being able to swap spells out prior to different raids. I can swap for raid a and then raid b within 2.66 days later should not be possible. Swapping a spell every hour restriction just means a sorcerer has to decide from quest to quest but there is little restriction on raid from raid; furthermore, a sorc can swap out 50+ spells between raid timers which is not remotely in line with D&D. I am having a hard time with possible future fortification divergances much less such basic spell rules divergances.
Is this D&D even remotely anymore or should we just call this Turbine's game?