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  1. #1
    Community Member Suthran's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Remove EoP, Make SLAs free.

    Not sure if this belongs on Lamannia or Suggestions, since it's a suggestion for Lamannia.

    With the arguments against Echoes of Power (Most of them not against Echoes itself, but the slew of "balancing" issues Turbine apparently believes existed as a result), I think a much better system would be to reduce the level of SLAs available to Savants and Archmages, then make those SLAs completely free reiterations of the spell they imitate.

    Savants would get their level 1 SLA for their tier 2 Savant, and that's it; these SLAs however would be completely free SP-wise, AND have the same cooldowns as if the sorcerer actually cast the spell.

    Archmage 1 (Level 6) Gives you your primary focus, and your level 1 SLA of your primary school.
    Archmage 2 (Level 12) Gives you your secondary focus, and your level 1 SLA of your secondary school.
    Archmage 3 (Level 18) Gives you your greater primary focus, and your level 2 SLA of your primary school.

    Again, these would be completely free SP-wise, and have the same cooldowns as if the wizard actually cast the spell.

    In order to implement the above changes to Archmage, I would change the selection of Archmage from choosing just Archmage, and choosing instead say "Archmage 1 (Necromancy)"

    In addition to the above changes to SLAs, the following changes to the SLAs in general would be a nice addition to the package;

    Any metamagics your character has are automatically applied to your SLAs regardless of whether or not you actually have them toggled on or off.

    Savants can select any level 1 ability their Prestige line enhances for their SLA (Which means Air Savants can choose Shocking Grasp or...Feather Fall!)

    Archmages can select any proper spell level ability that belongs to the proper school

    To implement this, I would recommend giving anyone who has SLAs an SLA spell tab, where each individual SLA has it's own tab (Evocation Archmage level 1 SLAs for instance as a tab), and then you can put any spell that meets the requirements into the tab ( I doubt being able to change SLAs would be gamechanging, especially level 2 spells at most).

    The two purposes of Echoes of Power, to my knowledge, were to 1. Make low-level casters lives a bit easier; with the significant reduction in the costs of plenty of low-level spells (Which matters at low levels, when you have less metamagics) and the buff to eternal wands, that doesn't seem so necessary and 2. Give casters something to do when out of SP. These changes I believe would be significantly better since they
    1. Still give casters something to do when out of SP (Except PMs, who already have plenty as is), without giving actual incentive to a magic user to burn all his SP stupidly (not that EoP was much incentive, but why give any incentive at all).
    2. It would allow you to do something in those small bit encounters which aren't worth large expenditures of SP, but you don't want to feel useless
    3. Make SLAs something even more unique; instead of just being discount spells, that are even bigger discounts when you have more metamagics, they truly serve a completely different purpose from spells.
    Last edited by Suthran; 04-15-2011 at 07:25 PM.

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