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  1. #1
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010

    Default Epic Fens Sets and Epic Gem of Many Facets

    Make them a 3-piece set.

    • Greater Divine Blessing: This is one of three items in the Greater Divine Blessing set. When two items are equipped, you gain Superior Devotion VII, increasing the effectiveness of your 7th level and lower healing spells by 50%. When all three items are equipped, you will also gain Epic Devotion V, increasing the effectiveness of your 5th level and lower spells by 60%, and Devotion IX, increasing the effectiveness of your 9th level and lower spells by 20%.

    • Greater Elder's Knowledge: This is one of three items in the Greater Elder's Knowledge set. When two items are equipped, you gain a 6% bonus to crit chance and a .5 bonus to crit multiplier on your Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire spells. When all three items are equipped, the chance is increased to 9%. You also have a chance for your spells to ignore any elemental resistance your opponent may have.

    • Greater Marshwalker: This is one of three items in the Greater Marshwalker set. When two items are equipped, you gain 30% striding, +15 to jump, and +20 to swim. When all three items are equipped, you benefit from a continuous Freedom of Movement effect.

    • Greater Raven's Eye: This is one of three items in the Greater Raven's Eye set. When two items are equipped, you will gain a +4 bonus on To-Hit, and +3 to Search and Spot. These bonuses stack with all other bonuses. When all three items are equipped, you will gain Seeker +8 (+8 to confirm criticals and critical damage, before multipliers).

    • Greater Shaman's Fury: This is one of three items in the Shaman's Fury set. When two items are equipped, you will gain a +40% bonus to damage on 8th level and lower Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire spells. When all three items are equipped, you have a chance of going into a fearsome Shaman's Trance, which boosts offensive spellcasting.

    On-casting spell chance, enter a fearsome Shaman's Spellfury Trance. You gain a +20% profane bonus to spell damage, have a 33% reduction in spell costs, shorter cooldowns and casting times, and have +3 to the DC's of your offensive spells. The Trance lasts for 30 seconds, followed by 8 seconds of bewilderment and blindness from the intensive spellcasting, and your maximum SP is lowered by 500 each time you enter a trance between rests. Sorcerers have a higher chance of entering a trance, and Sorcerers with a TierIII Savant can cast their chosen element with a 75% reduction in cost.

    • Greater Siren's Ward: This is one of three items in the Greater Siren's Ward set. When two items are equipped, you will gain a +6 insight bonus to saves and AC. When all three items are equipped, you will gain Epic Siren's Wail Guard. This will give a chance, on being hit, to release a cacophonic burst, doing 100d6 sonic damage to all enemies in the area. Enemies may also be paralyzed with fear, will save 30 negates. All enemies have a -4 penalty to damage, attack, saves, and AC without save.

    • Greater Vulkoor's Cunning: This is one of three items in the Greater Vulkoor's Cunning set. When two items are equipped, your threat will be reduced by 20% and your weapons inflict a powerful Vulkoorim Poison on vorpal hits, doing 2 to 12 points of Constitution damage (DC 30 fort save negates). When all three items are equipped, your poison is heightened to deadly levels. On a vorpal hit, you inflict 3 to 18 points of constitution damage, (DC 35 fort save negates). If the first save is failed, the victim must make another fort save (DC 30) or take 200 points of damage. If both saves are failed, the victim must make a DC 28 fort save or be killed instantly.

    • Greater Vulkoor's Might: This is one of three items in the Greater Vulkoor's Might set. When two items are equipped, you will do an additional 4 damage each hit and your threat will be increased by 20%. When all three items are equipped, you can sunder your opponent on a vorpal strike, reducing AC by 4 and fortification by 10% (DC 30 reflex save negates).

  2. #2
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    don'cha think your 3 piece set effects are just a TAD over the top?

    Also how would the dev's balance out how it is now, where only SPECIFIC pieces get you the bonus. The way u list, ANY 2 pieces = the first tier(That alone breaks balance, think gem + bracer + neck + glove + belt + ring + boots = 3 3 piece sets, too much imo. Even without slots this is WAY too much. Basically turns the easiest to gather sets into better than a fully slotted e-chrono set. Hands down. AND leaves slots open for MORE 2 piece sets.

    Not signed, sorry.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    don'cha think your 3 piece set effects are just a TAD over the top?

    Also how would the dev's balance out how it is now, where only SPECIFIC pieces get you the bonus. The way u list, ANY 2 pieces = the first tier(That alone breaks balance, think gem + bracer + neck + glove + belt + ring + boots = 3 3 piece sets, too much imo. Even without slots this is WAY too much. Basically turns the easiest to gather sets into better than a fully slotted e-chrono set. Hands down. AND leaves slots open for MORE 2 piece sets.

    Not signed, sorry.
    Seeing as the Gem prevents the use of Litany, Bloodstone, etc. and many of the Fen pieces prevent a ToD set (Siren's Ward completely prevents ToD sets, which is why it has such a powerful effect), I was a tad liberal with the effects. Three-piece Raven set prevents the use of Charged gauntlets and Tharne's. Claw set, which is already very powerful, did not receive a very powerful three-piece effect.

    I see this more as introducing alternative gear than completely overpowering other items. Shaman's Fury, Vulkoor's Cunning, and Siren's Ward are the only effects than really stand out IMO.

    It could be changed to have gem only be able to replace a certain amount of items.

  4. #4
    Community Member WarDestroyer's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Community Member Crazyfruit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    Seeing as the Gem prevents the use of Litany, Bloodstone, etc. and many of the Fen pieces prevent a ToD set (Siren's Ward completely prevents ToD sets, which is why it has such a powerful effect) ...
    You make a strong case.

    While I'm not going to /sign on your effects, the idea behind them is a good one.

    On the other hand, I suspect many people would use it to wear Bracers of the Claw, Raven Goggles, Ring of the Mire and the Charged (or Spectral) Gauntlets with full set bonuses.
    Last edited by Crazyfruit; 05-24-2011 at 10:46 AM. - Remember to play in moderation.

  6. #6
    Community Member Blackmoors's Avatar
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    Well, the variety of items is great, makes us need to choose our equipment carefully. What you purpose would render many items worthless because the upgrades would make this combination of items almost mandatory!

    There is a couple of good trinkets to use, there's a couple of bracers, and gloves, etc, and that's how its supposed to be. If you start making existing some items better (and btw, your suggestions are over the top - claw set is the best set already and you suggest making it even better...) you'll have to change the other items as well so you balance things out...
    Blackmoors (Pale Master) | Bloodrake (Defender of Siberys) | Darckmoor (Angel of Vengeance) | Doulbelades (Berserker) | Thayed (Warchanter)

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    Make them a 3-piece set.
    No thanks. The only reasonable change to the Gem is to allow it to substitute for either item in the set.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  8. #8
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    No thanks. The only reasonable change to the Gem is to allow it to substitute for either item in the set.
    Which is in the works according the Gensai

  9. #9
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    Which is in the works according the Gensai
    Don't believe Gensai. He's a trickster.
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