Is DR 5 worth an item slot if the toon has NO dr? trying to figure out some gear, thnx
Is DR 5 worth an item slot if the toon has NO dr? trying to figure out some gear, thnx
Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.
Lower level questing, absolutely. Raid fights? Epics? Probably not so much. 5 is still useful against archers and other high-volume, lower-relative-damage even in epics ... but more often than not you're getting hit (and healed) for a chunk more.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
imho ..... it depends. i loved my necro 3 trinket untill i hit amarath, then the damage was just coming in too fast
for end game stuff, i dont think its worth it
Like others have said, it's very dependent on the situation, level range, class, etc. Of course if you can fit it in without compromising anywhere else, then it never hurts. The three main sources of DR5 that I can think of are Invulnerability, the Von trinket and the Necro trinket. Invulnerability burns out by the mid levels, the two trinkets are great but you have to give up your Bloodstone slot on a melee to make use of them. A bit more info can help to figure out if the DR is worth giving up whatever else you have in the slot.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
If it's the trinket slot (Kaelth's touch for example) it is often worth it, but not always. It depends a lot on what you would otherwise be using in that slot.
I like to have both trinkets available. I use the bloodrage as my poison/disease item which means I rarely use it (poison comes in a bottle any time you could need it - disease is pretty much only to prevent the double-dip on mummies). As mentioned though, it's also useful in Amrath when you're fighting something that does Evil-typed damage and it's a rage clicky which actually gets quite a bit of use (usually for p4/5 of Shroud when the arcanes didn't do their job). It's also ML:7 which means you can change out of the invulnerability pj's 4 levels earlier if you have it. For times you're not facing GS weapons or other Evil-typed damage Kaelth's avoids that -2 con penalty. I consider them critical TR gear and DEFINITELY missed my bloodrage on my most recent TR that doesn't have one yet...definitely on the to-do list for my next time I TR.
Especially in U9 when there won't be autocrits you don't *have* to have seeker. When soloing or tanking I would prefer the dr to the seeker +6 of Bloodstone. If you're not getting hit primarily then switch back to the Bloodstone. The nice thing is that because none of the 3 trinkets are critical you can switch as the situation demands.
Also, grodon touched on it with Amrath but in that high-volume, lower-ish-damage bucket I place glancing blow damage. Even on an AC toon, DR is nice when the attacks are coming fast.
I carry at least swappable DR on every one. I don't always use it, but it's always an option.
And PS, I love the Greater Stalwart Trinket in the Harbor. It's like Muenster and Swiss rolled into a trinket.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
I have the resists +5 on my dt armour and find it quite nice
Epic Golden Greaves have DR 4/-, striding, disease immunity and a yellow slot. They're really solid, I have them on my rogue and love them. Can't be used vs. Horoth though, and if you're going for the Abishai set they compete with Epic Boots of Corrosion. And madstone, though that's more of a switch in.
DR gives you HP equivalent to (# of hits to kill you) x (damage blocked). So if you have 500 HP, the mobs do an average of 65 a swing, and you have DR 4/-, you gain 30 HP. That's better than toughness. DR gives you 38 HP.
Another good source is Epic Deneith Heavy Chain. DR 5/epic, and lifeshield, which is a stacking DR 1.5 (10% of incoming damage gets reduced by 15). That's DR 6.5, which will get you 50 HP in the above example. It has a blue slot, where you can put toughness, good luck +2 or heavy fort, and a colorless, where you can put a +6 stat that you don't currently have or +1 EXC to round off a stat.
Con Op GS HP item is stacking DR 1.2
I'm also a keen proponent of Epic Ring of the Mire. DR 10 against arrows, +3 to fort saves, and Earthenguard, which is stacking DR of about 7/adamantine (about 10% chance to get 70 points of stoneskin. Weak mathfu here) (if you have DR 5, it's stacking DR 2). With Lifeshield, DR 5/epic, Earthenguard, and Con Op, you have DR 9.7; 75 HP![]()
Last edited by Qezuzu; 04-15-2011 at 11:49 AM.
If it fits and doesn't hinder you from something else, definitely use it. Mabar cloak is a good example. Even invulnerability would be nice if it's in a spot where you don't need something else at the moment.
Look at it this way: If you have a toon with 500 HP, and the content you are running has mobs doing 50 HP of damage on average, it is like having 550 HP. I'd say 50 HP is worth it. For damage that is less, it is going to make an even greater impact.
DR is often looked at in the wrong way, IMO. Sure, end game content is full of mobs that do a ton of damage, but that -5 to damage per hit adds up. DR is always your friend.
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
I find the Kaelth's Touch trinket quite useful, even in Amrath. Orthon's crossbow bolts don't break it. Not all Orthons use evil aligned glaives, so it can still save a decent bit of damage with their cleaves. Barbazu's (almost?) always break it, so it's far less useful with them.
Once I got Kaelth's Touch, solo'ing Sins on hard became rather easy, even with it only half protecting me.
I know a lot of people swear by Bramble Casters as well, as it laughs in the face of non-epic archers.
For epics, I pump up my healing amp and DPS. 5 DR can be nice, but the DPS boost from a different trinket is much better.
It depends on the content and what you're giving up to fit it in. At the higher levels i would generally say its not but 5 dr can up quickly though. getting hit 6 times would be the same as wearing a greater false life item and getting hit 20 times is shaving off 120 damage.
But then you have to consider that one heal could restore all the damage you would have otherwise taken. HP is just a buffer until your next heal comes in. So while you've reduced a significant amount of damage, in real gameplay it doesn't make much difference. ofc this depends on your level and the content your running. Fullplate of the giants is still great for the mid levels.
So this is onn my thfing, esos, pali, who get hit all the time, an yes this is about the mabar cloak.
I could craft my second greensteal if i ever get the scroll the envenomed cloak, i was wondering if the dr was worth keeping...over these 2 other options...
I have a 3 peice abishi set so the envenomed cloak would only get me maybe 20 more hp.
Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.