How much difference does it really make?
Let's look at some numbers for Water:
All calculations will be:
BASE * (1.0 + 0.75 (clicky) + 0.5 (enhancements)) * (1.0 + 1.0(maximise) + 0.5(empower) + 0.2(BOP))
(Numbers treated as integers hence decimals ignored). This is a reasonable level of achievable equipment.
1) Polar Ray
20d3 + 60:
100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607
26d3 + 78:
130 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 789
130 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 907
Average of 30% damage more per cast. If the target is cursed it's closer to 50%. Nice.
2) Otilukes
20d3 + 60:
100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607
23d3 + 69:
115 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 698
115 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 802.7
Average of 15% more damage per cast.
3) CoC
15d3 + 45:
75 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 455
18d3 + 54:
90 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 546
90 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 627
Average of 20% more. NOTE: +3MCL does NOT currently work on this spell on Lammania.
4) Niac's Biting Cold
1d6 + 20
23.5 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 142 (*3 for a full stack)
1d6 + 26
29.5 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 179 (*3 for a full stack)
NOTE: This spell (and Eladar's) is currently capped on Lammania at 1D6 + 20. It's these two spells (and WoF)
which make having a Savant an attractive proposition. At the moment you can get the same benefit from these
spells as a savant without the -9 CL hit in the opposing element. This, IMO, is what is making the PRE unattractive
at the moment.
As can be seen, if they do fix all the capped spells (and they really must IMO given the -9CL in opposing elements,
a very severe penalty) Savant damage will still be pretty good. Even if you compare against a Wizard holding
everything then nuking. Hold and nuke is very effective.
So, I'd like them to replace the curse with something else (or it give a static +25% increase to make it worth
doing) and definitely fix all the capped spells.