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  1. #1
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Savant max caster level increase

    How much difference does it really make?

    Let's look at some numbers for Water:

    All calculations will be:

    BASE * (1.0 + 0.75 (clicky) + 0.5 (enhancements)) * (1.0 + 1.0(maximise) + 0.5(empower) + 0.2(BOP))
    (Numbers treated as integers hence decimals ignored). This is a reasonable level of achievable equipment.

    1) Polar Ray

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    26d3 + 78:
    130 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 789
    130 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 907

    Average of 30% damage more per cast. If the target is cursed it's closer to 50%. Nice.

    2) Otilukes

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    23d3 + 69:
    115 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 698
    115 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 802.7

    Average of 15% more damage per cast.

    3) CoC

    15d3 + 45:
    75 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 455

    18d3 + 54:
    90 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 546
    90 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.15 = 627

    Average of 20% more. NOTE: +3MCL does NOT currently work on this spell on Lammania.

    4) Niac's Biting Cold

    1d6 + 20
    23.5 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 142 (*3 for a full stack)

    1d6 + 26
    29.5 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 179 (*3 for a full stack)

    NOTE: This spell (and Eladar's) is currently capped on Lammania at 1D6 + 20. It's these two spells (and WoF)
    which make having a Savant an attractive proposition. At the moment you can get the same benefit from these
    spells as a savant without the -9 CL hit in the opposing element. This, IMO, is what is making the PRE unattractive
    at the moment.

    As can be seen, if they do fix all the capped spells (and they really must IMO given the -9CL in opposing elements,
    a very severe penalty) Savant damage will still be pretty good. Even if you compare against a Wizard holding
    everything then nuking. Hold and nuke is very effective.

    So, I'd like them to replace the curse with something else (or it give a static +25% increase to make it worth
    doing) and definitely fix all the capped spells.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    What if your EleWeakness curse is on the 20 sec cooldown?

    ) Polar Ray

    Average of 17% more damage per cast.

    2) Otilukes

    Average of 14% more damage per cast.

    3) CoC

    Average of 20% more damage per cast.

    So for a cost of nearly 25% of your APs and a feat you get a ~15% increase in Cold spells (vs trash) / ~25% vs bosses and a ~37% decrease in Fire spell damage.

    Is that worth it?

    What is the cost to your cold spells if you are a Fire Savant? (and only have +20% Cold enhancements)

    ) Polar Ray

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    11d3 + 33:
    55 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    2) Otilukes

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    11d3 + 33:
    64 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    3) CoC

    15d3 + 45:
    75 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 455

    11d3 + 33:
    55 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 36% less damage
    Last edited by TechNoFear; 04-15-2011 at 10:49 PM.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  3. #3
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    What if your EleWeakness curse is on the 20 sec cooldown?
    The calculations above already include with/without curse for the instantaneous spells.

    1) Polar Ray

    Average of 17% more damage per cast.
    What are you factoring in here? Epic items? My comparison was CL20 vs. CL26 (WaSIII). It's
    30% more without the curse. I don't play epics so didn't factor in any epic equipment.

    So for a cost of nearly 25% of your APs and a feat you get a ~15% increase in Cold spells (vs trash) / ~25% vs bosses and a ~37% decrease in Fire spell damage.

    Is that worth it?
    Well, that is kind of the point of this thread. I was hoping it would open up a discussion in this
    area. Is it worth it? for me, if they fix _all_ the capped spells to have the +3MCL apply then yes, it
    is. Just!. That's a personal choice though depending on what you run and what gear you have available
    to you. I reckon a very well geared sorc can make the +MCL increase to polar ray negligible.

    As it stands, I think the curse is underpowered for what you give up.

    Also, what the DPS calc 'number crunching' guys continue to do, which is really p*ssing me off now!, is to
    attribute very high DPS from Niac's/Eladar's to savants. This combo is open to all arcanes, not just Savants
    and on Lammania does exactly the same damage. I'd suggest taking a non-savant and creating a DPS cycle
    of Burning Blood/Melf's/Acid Rain/WoF/Eladar's/Niacs/Polar Ray - I reckon there's some pretty sick 'DPS' there
    as well...

    What is the cost to your cold spells if you are a Fire Savant? (and only have +20% Cold enhancements)

    1) Polar Ray
    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    2) Otilukes
    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    3) CoC
    Average of 36% less damage
    Sure, I understand what you're saying. This was always going to be the case with the -9CL. It is
    a big sacrifice.
    Last edited by Arctigis; 04-16-2011 at 11:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member wolflordnexus's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    What if your EleWeakness curse is on the 20 sec cooldown?

    ) Polar Ray

    Average of 17% more damage per cast.

    2) Otilukes

    Average of 14% more damage per cast.

    3) CoC

    Average of 20% more damage per cast.

    So for a cost of nearly 25% of your APs and a feat you get a ~15% increase in Cold spells (vs trash) / ~25% vs bosses and a ~37% decrease in Fire spell damage.

    Is that worth it?
    Meh I've never really used fire outside of scorching ray (caps at 11 so no loss) fire wall (now caps at 15 so -4 instead of -9 not really to bad) and Meteor Swarm( doesn't care about CL so no Loss)

    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    What is the cost to your cold spells if you are a Fire Savant? (and only have +20% Cold enhancements)

    ) Polar Ray

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    11d3 + 33:
    55 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    2) Otilukes

    20d3 + 60:
    100 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 607

    11d3 + 33:
    64 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 52% less damage per cast.

    3) CoC

    15d3 + 45:
    75 * 2.25 * 2.7 = 455

    11d3 + 33:
    55 * 1.95 * 2.7 = 290

    Average of 36% less damage
    meh no ones going to go fire savant except for leveling because of blanket immunities at end game so that discussions really kind of moot.

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