Will only travel in a straight line ... cannot be manually aimed up nor down.
While you're at it, please fix arcane bolt and blast for wizard, they have the same isue
Will only travel in a straight line ... cannot be manually aimed up nor down.
While you're at it, please fix arcane bolt and blast for wizard, they have the same isue
So if you use mouse-look and stare straight up, the SLA just fires in the direction that your character is facing, not straight up?
Yes, exactly ... it will only aim up or down at a target if you target them, you cannot aim up or down manually with just mouselook. The normal fireball spell still works fine in this regard, its only the sla that's broken.
Same problem with the arcane blast and bolt abilities for archmage since they were introduced.
Whilst on the subject, can you check if the +3 MCL is being applied to that spell please?
(i.e. on FiS III, base damage should be 13d3 + 39 for an average of 65)