A couple easy nuking rotations for pit fiends (on normal)...
Cold Savant
4 ice storm (50 ticks) = 9385
10 biting cold (135 ticks) = 36'592.4
10 electric surge (135 ticks) = 25'339.5
25 polar ray = 29'856.9
25 niacs = 7'348.5
12 frost lance = 7'937.8
116'460.1 damage
-8'130 (271 cold hits * 30 cold resist)
=1083.3 dps
Air Savant
4 ice storm (50 ticks) = 8190
10 biting cold (135 ticks) = 25'339.5
10 electric surge (135 ticks) = 36'592.4
25 polar ray = 19'972.5
25 shocking grasp = 9187.12
12 lightning bolt = 8059.2
-5550 (185 * 30 cold resist)
=1017.9 dps
Bad imo. Melee can likely sustain 800+ dps vs held targets forever.. Just by holding rightclick, and maybe tapping the odd boost every 30-60s.
While a sorc with flawless gear and a flawless complex execution of many spells and debuffs over a short time unloading his whole mana bar under frenzy only barely beats it. pfft. Should be way higher.
Hold costs mana and takes time to cast and does not last forever. That means some of damage spells have to go. Boss can not be held. Whatever the number is, its less the *1.5.
As Shade said that 916 DPS assumes "flawless complex execution of many spells". I only have 5 fingers and that Trillea's casting sequence is pretty long ... Lets say 916 is not realistic. Real numbers will be less.
I have a feeling savants realistic DPS (even with Hold) is more or less the same as Barbarians. Maybe even less. And only for 1 minute. If Im reading numbers right, you get oom fast. So not sustainable DPS. More like a touch longer burst.
Looks like Shroud groups will continue to take only 1 arcane, easier to get auto-attack barb then "flawless complex" savant. Well, as predicted, devs will not alow anyone gets close or is better then kensai/beserker when it comes to DPS.
Not happy
Like I said in my post, this is for a mana dump. I was trying to see what max DPS I could get as an ice savant against a boss without stacking curses. It is coming up short IMO. Give us our stacking curses back please.
As for my sequence, I am by no means thinking that this is the ultimate-dps-chain, but it is very doable. I plan on doing this by putting all the spells on 1 hotbar and then hotkeying my number pad to that hotbar. I then put the sequence in my bio and cast away! Very doable, IMO.
The new version of the Spell DPS Calc will automaticly generate a sequence that (in theory should) put out the highest DPS.
I wish I knew some programing language, open office calc is really limited sometimes . So it takes some time to do more complicated things. It have also been a busy week and I haven't had much spare time.
I'm sure it will be ready "soon", but don't hold your breath
You are better off learning to be a musician playing the piano while the barbarian can play DDO in auto-attack mode with 800+ DPS while watching TV and be a couch potato.
916 (non-realistic?) DPS is very bad IMHO when it only lasts 1 minute before OOM.
How many Epic dungeons lasts only 1 minute before the next shrine?
I can't think of any.
Besides, assuming every epic minion monster post U9 is at least 1500hp, that means you will only kill one monster optimally in 2 seconds. After 30 epic rats,hobgoblins, etc., you are OOM. This is also assuming you are not using spell points for anything else, i.e. haste, blur, GH, resists, mass prots, etc. Realistically, you probably have enough spell points to kill 20 epic monsters before OOM; assuming 1/3 of them used for buffs.
Last edited by Tyrande; 04-15-2011 at 04:58 PM.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
The 800+dps Shade mentioned above was for a held target, this is a mana dump on a boss. Bosses cannot be held. So if we are going to compare apples to apples, 800 DPS on a held target is about 550 DPS on a non-held target. So comparing 550 DPS to the approx 916 is much more favorable, but as posted it only lasts a minute. Having a sorc dumping an entire bar of mana on a single target SHOULD be able to do MUCH more damage than this. We sorcs need our stacking curses back, and now.
Except sorcs can CC, instant death, buff, ddoor and barbarians cannot do anything except hit a single target.
Well barbs can do AoE damage (cleave, which was fixed), CC (stunning blow), run faster than any caster (sprint boost), have more HP, and take less damage (innate dr). Their prestige enhancements DIRECTLY add to most or all of these abilities. This PrE was supposed to add to 1 aspect of a sorc - their damage dealing capabilities. We are getting not NEARLY enough of a boost in that, and to top it all off, we are having to sacrifice 1/4 of our already-limited spell selection to do it. We need more payoff for the costs that we are paying. Give us a curse that stacks 3 times and I will shut up about it. Until this happens, you will be seeing my name a LOT on these forums.
Not a complete assessment. Barbarians have high strength to the 80s and can stunning blow for CC.
Barbarians can also take cleave/great cleave if they want to hit multiple targets at once.
Sorcerers' CC: not as good as wizards.
Sorcerers' instant death spells: not as good as Pale Masters.
Why do you want to play an arcane DPS class only to buff and DDoor? And guess what, barbarians with Shroud clickies that splashed rogues can buff with scrolls and DDoor just as good as any sorcerer.
Last edited by Tyrande; 04-15-2011 at 06:59 PM.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility