Just a few numbers on SLA dps with the new savant changes, and for comparison, max possible dps from a cold savant.
Enhancement bonus = 100% base + 75% potency + 50% enhancemnts = 2.25
Feat bonus = 100% base + 100% maximize + 50% empower + 20% capstone = 2.7
Crit bonus = (82% non crit chance) + (18% crit chance * 275% crit damage) = 1.315
Average damage = Base damage * Enhncment bonus * Feat bonus * Crit bonus
Frost Lance
96 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 766.91
766.91 * 75% (50% save chance) = 575.18
575.18 / 8 second cooldown = 71.9 dps
Snowball swarm
30 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 239.66
239.66 * 75% = 179.74
179.74 / 6 second cooldown = 29.96 dps
64 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 511.27
511.27 * 50% = 255.64
255.64 / 4 second cooldown = 63.91 dps
Total SLA dps = 164.77 dps
sp cost per second = 2.1
sustainable for 23.8 minutes with 3000 sp
Total damage per 3000 sp: 235'292
Lightning bolt
97.5 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 778.89
778.89 * 75% (50% save chance) = 584.17
584.17 / 8 second cooldown = 73.02 dps
Electric loop
30 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 239.66
239.66 * 75% = 179.74
179.74 / 6 second cooldown = 29.96 dps
Shocking grasp
40 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 319.55
319.55 / 4 second cooldown = 79.89 dps
Total SLA dps = 182.87 dps
sp cost per second = 2.33
sustatinable for 21.43 minutes with 3000 sp
Total damage per 3000 sp: 235'134
65 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 519.26
519.26 * 75% (50% save chance) = 389.45
389.45 / 8 second cooldown = 48.68 dps
39 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 311.56
311.56 * 75% = 233.67
233.67 / 6 second cooldown = 38.94 dps
Burning hands
28 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 223.68
223.68 * 75% = 167.76
239.66 / 4 second cooldown = 41.94 dps
Total SLA dps = 129.56
sp cost per second = 2.58
sustatinable for 19.36 minutes with 3000 sp
Total damage per 3000 sp: 150'497
Acid blast
65 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 519.26
519.26 * 75% (50% save chance) = 389.45
389.45 / 8 second cooldown = 48.68 dps
Acid arrow
54 * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 431.39
431.39 / 6 second cooldown = 71.9 dps
Acid spray
28 base * 2.25 * 2.7 * 1.315 = 223.68
223.68 * 75% = 167.76
239.66 / 4 second cooldown = 41.94 dps
Total SLA dps = 162.52 dps
sp cost per second = 2.58
sustatinable for 19.36 minutes with 3000 sp
Total damage per 3000 sp: 188'783 (272'302 with full acid arrow duration)
Max dps (0% saves) over 100 seconds:
12 frost lance SLAs = 10'225.4
25 polar ray = 28'847.5
10 biting cold (135 ticks) = 35'343
20 Ottilukes = 20'416
19 Cone of cold = 15'179.1
4 ice storm (50 ticks) = 10'430
2 ear dweller
8 cold vulnerbility
100 seconds and 120'441 * 1.15 vulnerability
138'507.15 total damage
total: 1385.1 dps
Max dps (50% saves) over 100 seconds:
12 frost lance SLAs = 7669.2
25 polar ray = 28'847.5
10 biting cold (135 ticks) = 35'343
20 Ottilukes = 15'312
19 Cone of cold = 11'384
4 ice storm (50 ticks) = 10'430
2 ear dweller
8 cold vulnerbility
100 seconds and 108'986 damage* 1.15 vulnerability
125'333.55 total damage
total: 1253.3 dps
Assuming improved maximize II, efficient maximize II item, improved empoer II, improved heighten I:
Total sp cost:
72 Frost lance x12
1400 polar ray x25
1460 ottilukes x20
1368 cone x19
560 biting cold x10
244 ice storm x4
5104 sp = 51 sp/second
sustainable for 58.8 seconds with 3000 sp