I could use some advice on where to go with my acrobat.
He started out using SigTrent's SpeedJunkie build. Currently he's at level 12 and I'm enjoying it immensely, but I'm worried about fleshing out the rest of the build.
The goal was solid DPS with self-sufficiency as part of a two halfling static team. The other half is a fighter with healing dragonmarks and intimidate. Both took halfling's companion so we could buff each other. Sig's build called for 12/6/2, with Acrobat II and Kensai I. I deviated from that, taking a third monk level for the healing; so now Kensai is out of reach. I was happy with that decision at the time, but now that update 9 is going to take away most of my healing, I'm not sure where my end goal should be.
17R/3M? 3 monk isn't that attractive anymore
13R/7M? more monk would mean more healing; what else does that bring?
13R/4F/3M? 4 fighter sounded okay when I got healing out of the deal, but how many more feats do I really need?
12R/5Pal/3M? not ideal, but at a few lay on hands with monk healing amp wouldn't be bad
Anyone have any great ideas?
Here are some details of my current build.
Rogue 9/Monk 3
Starting stats 14,14,14,14,14,8; level-ups in str.
Feats (as of level 12):
Stunning blow
Power Attack
Fists of Light
Two Handed Fighting
Improved Two Handed Fighting
IC: Bludgeoning
Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning
Thanks for any advice.