looking for:
Red Dragon Scales
Blue Dragon Scales
Large Ingredients
Also buying:
Dal Quor Jelly Cake (250 plat each)
Stormreaver's Cookies (200 plat each)
Suulomades Cookies (200 plat each)
Syrania Jelly Cake (100 plat each)
I've for trade:
Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
Scroll of the Cloack of the Silver Concord
Scroll of the Docent of Grace
Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
Scroll of the Hammer of Life
Scroll of the Helm of the Mroranon
Scroll of the Ironweave Robe
Scroll of the Kundarak Delving Goggles
Scroll of the Kundarak Delving Suite
Scroll of the Kundarak Warding Bracers
Scroll of the Kundarak Warding Shield
Scroll of the Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
Scroll of the Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
Scroll of the Diabolist's Robe
Scroll of the Gem of Many Facets
Scroll of the Goggles of Time-Sensing
Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
Scroll of the Hellstroke Greataxe
Scroll of the Infested Armor
Scroll of the Scorched Bracers
Scroll of the Staff of Nat Gann
Scroll of the Timeblade
Scroll of the Adeherent's Pendant
Scroll of the Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
Scroll of the Bloodstone
Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
Scroll of the Bracers of the Hunter
Scroll of the Cape of the roc
Scroll of the Chainmail Coif
Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
Scroll of the Coronation Shield
Scroll of the Dynastic Falcata
Scroll of the Firestorm Graves
Scroll of the Flint
Scroll of the Gloves of the Falcon
Scroll of the Golden Graves
Scroll of the Hruvayah's Medallion
Scroll of the Hyena Claw Necklace
Scroll of the Lion-headed Belt Buckle
Scroll of the Mummy Wrappings
Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
Scroll of the Robe of Fire
Scroll of the Sandstorm Glasses
Scroll of the Scirocco
Scroll of the Seal of Earth
Scroll of the Silken Mail
Scroll of the Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Scroll of the Spiked Turban
Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
Scroll of the Sting
Scroll of the Stinkpelt's Hide
Scroll of the Thornlord
Scroll of the Tinder
Scroll of the Tourney Armor
Scroll of the Vambraces of Inner Lights
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Pendant
Scroll of the Ward of Undeath
Scroll of the Weathered Targe
Scroll of the Whirlwind
Scroll of the Wolf Whistle
Scroll of the Xuum
Scroll of the Zephyr
Scroll of the Boots of the Mire
Scroll of the Cacophonic Verge
Scroll of the Elder's Cap
Scroll of the Elder's Focus
Scroll of the Frozen Plate
Scroll of the Greatclub of the Scrag
Scroll of the Raven's Talons
Scroll of the Ring of Venom
Scroll of the Robe of Dissonance
Scroll of the Sacred Helm
Scroll of the Shaman's Band
Scroll of the Siren's Bracers
Scroll of the Souleater
Scroll of the Twisted Talisman
Scroll of the Blademark's Docent
Scroll of the Elyd edge
Scroll of the Midnight Greetings
Scroll of the Big Top
Scroll of the Brawn's Spirit
Scroll of the Brimsone Verge
Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
Scroll of the Garos' Malice
Scroll of the Illusionist's Robe
Scroll of the Mask of Tragedy
Scroll of the Noxius Fang
Scroll of the Phiarlan Spy Dagger
Scroll of the Utility Vest
Send tell in game or PM here if interessed.
Eritrius Lainer (Lich 20 - Ordo Draconis)