I don't have an issue with the 12 sp thing myself - I do have issues when massive (and they are very substantial) changes are made to other parts of the game because of a new ability that shouldn't have any affect.
You failed your sarcasm check. That was exactly the point I was making.
Exactly. Solo is one beast. Working with 1d5 other people and trying not to kill each other....thats entirely a different animal.
You shouldn't be running out of SP when geared very well, specced very well, playing very well, and playing with others cooperatively.
However...if Murphies law has taught anything its that the above seldom holds true forever. Random chance has three sides: hurt, help, or indifferent. The likelihood of maintaining help indefinitely is slim. And now you have some tools to help balance things out if you use your head.
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
"S" of Team BAS (2011)
NO what we are talking about in this thread (the SLA's) Eladrin specifically said they were changed because of Echoes of Power!!! I personally was fine with the spell pass and thought it would add alot of versatility to the casting world i just was not for giving free spell points forever and changing the cost and cool down on the the spells that could be used by the Echoes of Power. I have lost alot more spell points and spell use than I get from having the echoes of power.
If all this collateral damage cites this nanny buff as the cause then it must go. Upsetting half the paying players out there in repeated desperate attempts to lure in a few more free to play testers is foolish and costly each time. I hope those lifetime memberships do not prove significantly shorter after U9.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
If there is indeed a choice between Echoes of Power or un-nerfed wizard SLAs at this time, I would much prefer un-nerfed SLAs.
Not quite. In the thread about boosting sp costs for SLAs (that would be here.) Eladrin replied:
In response to:
So I would say you are misinformed on at least that point.
The cost change? Yes. That is what Eladrin was referring to for EoP.
Is a super low cost ability still super low cost? Yes? Then it still will be used.
The cooldown change? That was going to happen whether or not EoP came out. They want you to actually use those other spells in the spell book. They want you to actually put some strain on your resources. They want you to interweave SLAs (while they are on cooldown) with your normal spells.
And lastly the point of 6-7 spells was that if one spell or two completely dominates and there is absolutely no reason for any of the others.....then that is a design problem. Altering cooldowns (time) and SP costs (resources) are a sensible solution to such a problem. It forces a choice. You can either wait (time) or expend (resources) but you do not get the best of both worlds.
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
"S" of Team BAS (2011)
And on a final note:
If a change from 6 seconds to 8 seconds is really causing so much angst.....methinks you are doing it wrong.
The point of the cooldown is to create the following desired behavior:
Casters using normal spells and expending SP.
If the cooldown is not sufficient to encourage this behavior:
Raise the cooldown until the desired behavior becomes more prevalent.
Shockingly, the same holds true for the SP cost increase. They want EoP as a bottom catch but they dont want people relying on it entirely. Both the SP and cooldown chances enforce this.
Though I must say...I'm pleasantly surprised on how civil everyone is being in the thread despite its hot button nature.
Last edited by Alexandryte; 04-14-2011 at 04:17 PM.
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
"S" of Team BAS (2011)
Kralael /// Kralwar /// Kralzu /// Kralheals /// Proud 'tard of Imperial Assassins
I don't particularly like this answer. I think it is pretty obvious that most of us find, like and play certain games because they like to play them a certain way. I came to DDO because this particular game is extremely flexible in both gameplay and character builds. Your comment that the Devs should continue to change things until the players give in and play in a certain way is the absolute worst attitude that Turbine could take.
The idea that should be behind SLAs (IMHO) is that players have an optional set of tools to play with in exchange for permanently sacrificing sp for them. If they want to try to solo the entire leveling experience with them (good luck with that) then let them try. The last thing anyone should be doing is to try to push someone in to a cookie cutting 'my way or the highway' cookie cutter mold. If unlimited SLA spells are too powerful for the quests as designed then the quests need to be revamped or the SLAs replaced with something the game can handle.
My only request for the Devs is that they not attempt to nerf us all 'until the desired behavior becomes more prevalent'.
/signed to remove echoes.
/double-signed or more if the spellpass re-balance goes on from a non echoes perspective once its removed.
eternal wands getting a buff is great for lowbies up to and slightly beyond the 5-10 range. even on live they can be leveraged for better speed then the wait on regen would allow.
with the enhanced regen they are the route for low level toons to spamcast, instead of greataxe. and best of all the wands stop having any effect (save eternal magic missile, but the damage output and cast time is sloow) beyond around level 14 due to weak dc's even with all four enhancements to both effect and wand dc boost.
in other words they already self limit whereas echoes does not.
noting the lack of outcry against the new eternal wands, and the frankly p.i.t.a. change cycle to balance against echoes- echoes has got to go.
1-its not in line( remember your fears of people standing around regenerating sp between combats, this is slow enough to force that anyway for poor effect where it would apply).
2-it's a powerful effect as it stood, the sort of thing only available from hard to obtain end game gear(vile blasphemy, dweller larvae, other) being given free with zero opportunity cost.
3-you are breaking other things to balance around it. this forces either exploit the change or suffer. running out of gas and being stuck means one hasn't prepared, one has been inefficient and is a learning experience, one that gets remembered as its either, wipe or restart, or struggle panic to survive 'til a refill point. this heightens memory of the experience and tends toward learning via harsh lesson.
4-you haven't put level appropriate sp bars on all caster monsters yet, they cannot run out of gas. so they won't benefit from it.
5- you refuse to level cap the ability and thus are stuck balancing against it everywhere.
*if preferential sla spam didn't require a specialized feat setup(either base or to be reliable, bad cooldown and dc on live for the am general force sla pair, everything else requires feats, both for sorc pre on lam, or wizard pre lines) then you people talking about spell spam of the same type might have a point. when one has to spend quite a bit to buy the spells, you do so for a good reason, not willy nilly. and so you use them more heavily because that's why you got them.
make them general spells everyone has and see more rotation between the best of all the cheap abilities, and wind up with general nerfs.(hey wait, this is pretty much the spellpass so far, just add free meta's to everything and we would have it exactly!)
there will ALWAYS ALWAYS BE A BEST OPTION. cheap fast or good. pick at most two. ever hear that one? thats what they keep goofing with, those three elements. content will determine which is best in general throughout a hundred plus quests. human behavior will demand fast/good as time investment elements. game mechanics demand cheap as overkill happens, misses happen, misfire sp eating (phasing/burrowing/ran past you, or behind an object, soft targeting and player ran across targeting reticle borking cast location, mob ran out of range, etc).
Like you said...they are tools. They should not be the "be all end all" like firewall was.
The irony is without such changes you would be "push(ing) someone in to a cookie cutting 'my way or the highway' cookie cutter mold"
The greater irony is that you agree with me on the same exact points but look in the opposite direction.
You seem to imply that doing XYZ or ABC or any combination therein is bad whereas the current state of just doing X or Y every few seconds is better.
Firewall pre-instadeath spells was king. The end.
Post instadeath spells....wail and finger reign. On things that cannot be set ablaze or killed instantly most casters have 2-3 other spells slotted to use.
Since those were getting adjusted people then turned to SLAs with maybe some other spells occasionally thrown in.
The changes U9 brings, as a whole, shake up that monotony.
So basically it boils down to this: 2 extra seconds and a slight SP hike on SLAs, no damage based SLAs, or SLA's become very nice but very limited use. Which would you prefer?
Last edited by Alexandryte; 04-14-2011 at 05:13 PM.
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
"S" of Team BAS (2011)
The only SLAs useful with echoes are the CC ones, one fireball every 8 seconds is pretty pointless in endgame content
So definitely
/not signed
EOP is fine
Characters should be able to maintain single target damage of some kind no matter their class so they always have something fun to do in combat.
I don't like the changes to archmage cheap spells, but on the whole I don't find them very significant either.